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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Prayers for the WAO Animals

My thoughts never stray to far from the WAO animals--and today is no exception.  For two days I've been preparing for a house-full of friends coming over to enjoy Christmas dinner, and yet I cannot help but wonder if the WAO animals received any presents from "Santa" this year.  Did the big cats receive any special enrichment items this year, like they did last year?  Any large special cuts of meats for the carnivores?  How about the monks?  Did they get any "toys?"  Did the primates receive special fruits and nuts usually reserved for special occasions, as they did just 12 months ago? 

I guess I will never know.  I do know the temperature dipped to a low of 32F degrees and so I cannot help but worry about whether or not the chimps, baboons (yep, they are apparently still at the WAO's Talley Road property), and little monks received heat this year?    For the next two days, the temperature is expected to drop to 27F degrees over night.  Did Santa provide blankets and heat sources for all the animals?  Hay for the big cats so they don't have to sleep on the hard concrete-like ground? Again, I have no idea if the animals were warm on Christmas Day, nor do I know if they will be okay when the temperatures drop below freezing.

So, while we are all snug in our warm homes, the animals are probably going to be left alone for most of the Christmas holiday to shiver in their own homes, alone.

I did learn, from Michelle Cryer's Facebook page, that she visited the Talley Road animals for a few hours in the morning feeding the chimps and baboons.  Let me guess...monkey chow...again? 

Here is what she posted on her Facebook page:

Michelle Anthony-Cryer

Christmas morning with the baboons and chimps ;-) beautiful !!!
Saturday at 12:31pm via iPhone · View Feedback (3)Hide Feedback (3).

Kenneth L. Kuykendall Merry Christmas Friend! But isn't it afternoon there already?!?

Saturday at 12:42pm.
Michelle Anthony-Cryer Merry Christmas Kk

Yes it's afternoon but just now posting the pictures from this morning just finished feeding
Saturday at 1:06pm.

This is Mona...

This is Mona with no toys, blankets, hay, or food remnants in her enclosure...
just a cute chimp in a cage...
 I cannot help but notice Cryer never takes pictures of the big cats still living at Talley Road.  I cannot help but wonder why?  I can only pray that Atti (if she is still there), Sabu, and the tigers left behind are healthy, warm, and well-cared for.  I miss Lance (tiger) and Maverick (black-spotted leopard).  Are they okay?  Are they thriving or are they just surviving? 

I pray that the animals receive a special miracle next year.  After all they have been through, I pray the WAO animals finally receive the special care and attention they so deserve.  I will also pray that there is justice for the WAO animals that did not survive to see the new year.  They deserved so much better than what life had dealt them.  The WAO past board of directors (2005-2009) should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law by the IRS and the OAG for fraud and misappropriation of funds.  Only then, would there be justice for the animals.

God Bless all the current and former WAO animals.  May Jesus bless and protect them always.  Amen.

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