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Friday, December 17, 2010

Not a Happy Five Year Anniversary

It was five years ago today that I left the WAO for the first time and started the WAO investigation. 

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that the WAO animals would be relocated throughout the US because both facilities closed it doors forever.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that the OAG and the USDA would fail in their fiduciary responsibilities and allow the Asvestas and the past board to avoid prosecution for violating the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices and misappropriation of donated funds and equipment/supplies, not to mention the numerous  violations of the Animal Welfare Act

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that those who lied to official investigators of the USDA and OAG would be allowed to help re-home the animals and continue to take care of the animals left behind.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think IFAW would try and rewrite history at the WAO and elect to work with the very people who were responsible for numerous WAO animal deaths and the demise of the organization.

From what I was able to learn, one lion (possibly Atti) and two tigers are leaving the WAO soon for parts unknown.  I don't know what is worse -- knowing where the animals are going (to either be exploited for money or shipped off to substandard sanctuaries) or not knowing where they are going.  The bottom line is these animals will simply disappear forever and no one will ever check on them six months or one year later to see if they are coping in their new environments.

So many animals died for nothing as IFAW, the former WAO workers, and past  (and one current) board members lie about their role in the death of the organization.  It was my intention that the WAO animals not be forgotten and that those animals who died, did not die in vain.  I failed in that mission. 

This story will never be told because the liberal media does not want to cover this type of story.  If this story was about a private exotic wild animal owner, possessing over 400 animals, who stole a lot of money from "donors," allowed animals to die horribly, and got away scott-free from the authorities, IFAW, PETA and all the other animal rights groups would be howling for blood.  Instead, IFAW is making up stories as to why the WAO closed its door, just so this organization can save face.  I would estimate by the time this entire case is over, IFAW will have spent close to $1 million on the WAO.  And what will they have to show for it? 

Oh sure, IFAW may buy the Talley Road land and try to set-up a trust for the WAO animals left behind, but the reality is, the new "WAO" will probably fail again due to inexperienced people running the operation.

This was not supposed to happen at all.

Several days later (after thought):

· Michelle Anthony-Cryer

Taking special treats to the chimps and baboons this morning-
I'm always happy in the morning when I know I'm going to visit them

Do you know what is really sad?  I can only see the animals left behind at the WAO via Michelle Cryer's Facebook page.  So while she gets to "play" with the animals, I am left wondering how much time they have left in life.

Lance lives!

Handsome Lance without Leyla...

I don't know if I will ever get past my "feelings" I have for the USDA, OAG, the WAO workers and board members.  Not only did they let me down from the very beginning five years ago today, but they all really let the WAO animals down.  I guess there really is no justice for the animals after all.  What a complete waste of time.  What a complete waste of life.

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