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Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Games the Texas Office of the Attorney General Plays

To give you an idea of what I am up against, take a look at this email exchange with the Texas Office of the Attorney General - Public Information (you might want to start from the bottom and work your way up):
From: Reg Hargrove
To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Pam Perkins
Sent: Thu, December 2, 2010 2:05:24 PM

Subject: Re: Fw: Public Information Request - Wild Animal Orphanage (4th request made)

Ms Brunner--any e-mails sent only to Pam Perkins aren't Public Information Act (PIA) requests. In order to be a valid PIA request, e-mails must be sent to one of the following e-mail addresses: or Because your Nov. 22 e-mail was sent to me, it counts, so you have already made this request. We are currently working on it, and we should have our response to you by Dec. 8, 2010.


Reg Hargrove

>>> Kristina Brunner  12/2/2010 11:48 AM >>>

Reg Hargrove
Public Information Coordinator
Office of the Attorney General
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711 2548

Re: Public Information Act - ASUS, dba WAO, et al (Charitable Trust Division)

Dear Mr. Reg Hargrove:

This is a request under the Public Information Act.

On October 22, 2010, I sent Ms. Perkins a Public Information Act request for documents which I believe were not provided to me under past Public Information Act requests to your Office (see emails below).

On November 12, and November 22, 2010, I sent Ms. Perkins follow-up email requests as I have not received a response to my original records request made 30-days prior.

Under the Public Information Act, I respectfully request a copy of all CIDs & Supplemental RTEs issued by the OAG from January 1, 2007 - present (formally sent via mail and those sent informally via email) pertaining to the ASUS/Wild Animal Orphanage case.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.


Kristina Brunner

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----- Forwarded Message ----

From: Kristina Brunner
To: Pam Perkins ;
Sent: Mon, November 22, 2010 7:59:11 AM

Subject: Public Information Request - Wild Animal Orphanage (3rd request made)

Ms. Perkins:

I has been 30-days from my original requests for copies of CIDs & Supplemental RTEs issued by the OAG from January 1, 2007 - present.

Please let me know the date this information was mailed -


Kristina Brunner

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From: Kristina Brunner
To: Pam Perkins
Sent: Fri, November 12, 2010 8:54:26 AM
Subject: Re: Your public information request - ASUS
Dear Pam:

I'm following up on my CID request submitted to you on October 22, 2010. Thus far, I have not received a response.

Can you provide an estimate date as to when I can expect the requested documents?

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Kristina Brunner

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From: Kristina Brunner
To: Pam Perkins
Sent: Fri, October 22, 2010 10:47:25 AM
Subject: Re: Your public information request - ASUS

Dear Pam:

According to one of the e-mail documents received as part of my Public Information Request, subj: RE: AG's May 21, 2010 Supplemental RTE & CID, dated May 26, 2010, it appears there was a CID issued to the WAO.

I have not received this May 21, 2010 CID & Supplemental RTE. This begs the question -- how many other CIDs have I not received?

Therefore, I respectfully request a copy of all CIDs & Supplemental RTEs issued by the OAG from January 1, 2007 - present.

Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Kristina Brunner

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From: Kristina Brunner
To: Pam Perkins
Sent: Mon, September 20, 2010 11:12:43 AM

Subject: Re: Your public information request - ASUS

Thanks, Pam - I really appreciate your assistance regarding this matter! k

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any attachments constitute confidential information which is intended only for the named recipient(s) and may be legally privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this communication by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. Email addresses are confidential and should not be forwarded to anyone unless permission is granted from the sender. 

From: Pam Perkins
To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Reg Hargrove
Sent: Mon, September 20, 2010 11:07:12 AM

Subject: Re: Your public information request - ASUS

OK. The CID itself is always public, I am not sure if a cid was issued during the stated timeframe or if the documents we received were from a prior cid, but I will check. We will send you a notice that we are requesting a ruling and also that we are compiling the releasable documents. There was about a month of overlap between your previous request and this one, and we will not be duplicate anything previously sent to you. I expect to have documents sent to you no later than Thursday of this week. We will be sending them to you certified mail, as before. If you would like to discuss the ruling request, etc, please give me a call at 512-463-1308. Thank you, pam perkins 
As you can see, I specifically asked for CID information in my September 2010 request. When I finally received the information in October 2010, I noticed a CID was missing and requested she provide me the information (along with other missing CIDs).

Ms. Perkins could not be bothered to (1) acknowledge my request and (2) forward the request to Mr. Hargrove, so he could send the information right back to her again!

I just love how Mr. Hargrove “chastised me” by saying I should have sent him the request in the first place! What a hoot! Folks, this is “our” government at work. We are so screwed. What do you bet; I will NOT receive the information by December 8, 2010?

I’ll keep you posted…

Oh, and before I forget, here is the "excuse" why the OAG was late with my last Public Information Act request:

From: Pam Perkins
To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Reg Hargrove
Sent: Mon, September 20, 2010 10:46:39 AM

Subject: Your public information request - ASUS

Ms. Brunner: I've been trying to reach you and am hopeful this e-mail is still active. Your telephone number has a message not to leave messages.

Your request includes responsive documents that have been excluded by a previous ruling (as to the category of documents) in another request related to ASUS, internal communications, CID documents, and USDA communications. I would like to have your agreement to narrow your request to exclude these documents so that we do not need to request an additional ruling. Please give me a call at 512-463-1308 so that we can discuss this. We have approximately 150 pages of documents that are releasable. Thank you, pam perkins

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Fri, September 3, 2010 1:18:50 PM
Subject: Public Information Request - Wild Animal Orphanage

Reg Hargrove
Public Information Coordinator
Office of the Attorney General
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711 2548

Re: Public Information Act - ASUS, dba WAO, et al (Charitable Trust Division)

Dear Reg Hargrove:

This is a request under the Public Information Act.

I request that a copy of any correspondence provided to the Office of the Attorney General/Charitable Trust Division, from the period of April 23 – September 7, 2010, pertaining to the afore mentioned case, be provide to me by return mail. I am particularly interested in the documents related to and pertaining the WAO's recent order to close.

If the document(s) cannot be presented at this time, I would like to be notified as to the exact date, time, and place the records will be made available to me.

If any records were filed with the judiciary, I would like instructions on how to receives these documents.

In order to help determine my status fee, you should know that I am seeking information for personal use and not for commercial use.

I request a waiver of all fees for this Public Information Act request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations and activities of the Texas Office of the Attorney General/Charitable Trust Division.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


Kristina Brunner
San Antonio, TX xxxxxxx

Give me a break?  Trouble reaching me?  I've been using the same email address for the last four years, requesting records approximately every six months.  I've even provided her with my home address, and she had trouble reaching me?  She never had trouble reaching me before by phone before, so why was this request such a problem for her?  I think we all know why.  Just look at what I was asking for.


Well, well, well, typed too soon - the OAG decided to email me my PIA request material!  And look who it is from:

From: Pam Perkins
To: Kristina Brunner
Cc: Reg Hargrove reg.hargrove@oag.state.tx.usSent: Thu, December 2, 2010 2:36:34 PM
Subject: Public Information Request #29542

December 2, 2010

Via e-mail: kbrunner@...

Kristina M. Brunner

San Antonio, TX xxxxxxx

Re: Public Information Request #10-029542; Wild Animal Orphanage

Dear Ms. Brunner:

This e-mail is in response to your public information request submitted to the Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”), for:

"RE: Wild Animal Orphanage...copies of CIDs & Supplemental RTEs issued by the OAG from January 1, 2007 - present."

Although the Public Information Act allows a governmental body to charge for copying documents, according to the Texas Government Code § 552.267, we are providing the attached to you at no charge. This completes our response to you. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, you may contact me at (512) 463-1308 or via e-mail at


Pamela M. Perkins
Consumer Protection & Public
Health Division


cc: Reg Hargrove
OAG Public Information Coordinator
I just can't seem to stop laughing over this entire affair...  On a serious note, I am glad I made the request for past CIDs and Supplements because I received 5 demands, which I should have received as part of past requests.  Very interesting reading!

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