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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Former WAO Macaques Originally From Lehman College Discover Trees at WRR

The following information was obtained from the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation December 7, 2010 newsletter:

New Arrivals at Wildlife Rescue

Over the last few months we have had inquiries from some regarding the imminent demise of Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO) in San Antonio. While our names are sometimes confused with one another, we want to assure you that WAO and Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation are in no way, shape or form associated with each other and are completely separate organizations and that the problems that have been such a constant presence with them are in no way associated with us. WRR is alive and well, thriving thanks to your support and our high standards.

The WAO board of directors voted recently to dissolve the WAO sanctuary, which is located in northwest San Antonio.

New Macaque Enclosure
Wildlife Rescue and many other reputable and financially stable animal protection organizations across the country are making every effort to ensure care and homes for their animals. 

WRR has received and is providing sanctuary for at least six female Rhesus macaques and four mountain lions. We are in the process of getting all of them acclimated to their surroundings and introducing them to their new enclosure companions. We are excited about giving these amazing animals the life they deserve.
Macaques in New Home

This weekend I get to see how the macaques and the cougars are doing myself!  I cannot wait to see the macaques finally living in trees!  Trees with leaves!! And I am really looking forward to seeing the four cougars again!  Gotta have my camera ready!  Will post the pictures to this blog...

Also, the following was posted on the Internet regarding the WAO animals' move to WRR:

TXSART Transports Animals from Closing Animal Sanctuary
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 2, 2010 12.21.2010
Austin—On October 28, 2010, the Texas Animal Resource Team (TXSART) in congruence with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) transported two cougars and six rhesus monkeys from an animal sanctuary in South Texas (which has recently had to close due to financial reasons) to another animal sanctuary in Southwest Texas, which has committed to taking over the care of these animals.

Kay Mayfield, executive director of TXSART used the new TXSART Mobile Animal Resource Unit (MARU), funded by a grant from IFAW, to transport the cougars and monkeys for this 50-mile trip.

“TXSART is happy to be able to assist with the transport of these animas to their wonderful new homes,” said Mayfield. The two 250-pound cougars took up a great deal of room in the truck but there was still enough space for the cages containing the six monkeys with a board in between the two very different species. Mayfield said that despite their differences, the occupants had a quiet ride.

The entire transfer took about 12 hours, due to traffic and preparing the animals, but the time the animals spent in the truck was only about an hour. Mayfield was also ready with a list of emergency exotic vet clinics along her route incase there were any incidents. Thankfully, there were none and the animals are now safely placed in their new home.

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