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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

WAO Bankruptcy 341 Meeting

On Monday, December 13, 2010, the Western District Bankruptcy Court held the first 341 meeting dealing with the WAO's bankruptcy issues.  The organization filed under Chapter 11 (Reorganization) because it appears IFAW plans on acquiring the Talley Road property for about $300-500k.  I was able to confirm this from two individual sources. 

According to witnesses that were at the meeting, the WAO is sending 22 more animals to a private owner (I believe they are going to the Texas Disposal Systems' facility called Exotic Game Ranch) soon-if they have not left already.  I don't know which animals are leaving yet.  As previously posted, Judy, the baboon is going or has gone to this facility.  Perhaps the baboons and a few other primates are going to the Game Ranch as well.

Also, if/when IFAW takes over the Talley Road facility, new management, employees (including a primatologist) and board members will be put in place by IFAW.  I believe Mary and Michelle Reininger will end up keeping their jobs, despite the role they played in the demise of the WAO and many of its animals, along with a few "dedicated volunteers."  Apparently, this will not include me.   How ironic -- the one person who put herself on the line for the animals, sacrificing my job,  my family and my health, is the one person not welcomed back to say final goodbyes to the animals.  That's okay as this is no longer the WAO I grew to know and love.  It just would not be the same to me anymore.   I will always say a prayer for the animals each day, asking God to bless and protect the WAO animals, no matter where they may be.

Apparently, Michelle Cryer claimed the WAO is closing due to poor past management.  I heard that the Asvestas (who were present for this meeting), objected to this statement seeing how Michelle Cryer was on the board for six years and said but nothing but good things about the Asvestas' management of the WAO.  Michelle Cryer allegedly denied that she ever said anything positive (to include writing letters of recommendation for the Asvestas) about their management of the organization.  I have to agree with the Asvestas' on this one -- Cryer was just as culpable as the Asvestas. 

Supposedly, Michelle Cryer told the court that the animal cages were poorly constructed.  Again, the Asvestas took offense to this statement.  My question is, if the animal cages were so poorly constructed, why didn't Michelle Cryer say something to the board of directors during her tenure as a board director (2006-2009)?  I checked the minutes I collected during this period, and not ONCE did she ever mention problems with the enclosures.  Earlier this year, the workers told me not once did Michelle Cryer even visit the Talley Road facility (2006-2009).  So what gives?

I heard that things really got heated up with Michelle Cryer told the newsletter printer owner that the WAO did not owe all the monies claimed by the printing company.  Needless to say, the owner was not happy that Michelle Cryer for trying to cheat the printing company of monies owed for services rendered.

Then there was Jefferson State Bank representative, demanding to see all the WAO vehicles that were purchased using Jefferson State Bank notes.  Michelle Cryer allegedly claimed she had all the vehicles and welcomed the inspection.  Now that should be an interesting inspection.

The matter of missing records came up, and Michelle Cryer allegedly claimed the Asvestas of withheld files from her and the WAO.  When the Asvestas' claimed they video taped the pick-up of the records from their residence, Michelle Cryer allegedly claimed that it must have been Nicole Garcia who stole the records!

Crazy!  I wish I had gone to this meeting after all.  I had planned to go, but felt that, without filing a claim against the WAO, I may not be allowed in the room.  I think I will go to the next meeting though.


Okay, here's the latest:

IFAW is setting up a special account to fund the WAO animals left behind.  It looks like the WAO may be taken over by Primates, Inc.  Nothing firm yet.  Stay tuned.

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