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Monday, January 31, 2011

Zeus, Sierra and Titan are Still Okay!

I am very happy to see Zeus and Sierra are doing well.  Now I just wish Wildcat Sanctuary would post pictures of Ekaterina, Leyla and the former WAO bobcats...

Zeus says good morning and is so excited that installation for the Wild Woodlands
perimeter fence begins today!!!! Two of the enclosures inside are already underway...
Added today (013111)

Sierra says...really I have to get up to eat? But I am soooooo sleepy...Added yesterday

Zeus says, "Why can't you play with your beach ball and pool in the middle of winter?"

Carolina Tiger Rescue also posted two pictures of Titan yesterday:

Titan enjoying the warm sun.

.Titan- we don't usually refer to our tigers as Tigger, but there is something very Pooh-esque here.

Finally, A Solicitation to Be Proud of...


The following video from Wildcat Sanctuary is an excellent example of how to reach out to donors.  No scare tactics.  No blame assigned.  No animal exploitation.   Just the honest truth that the animals need proper care and financial assistance. 

All their solicitation messages should reflect these ideals, for truly they make more of an impact than the ones used in the past.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hell's bells, this entire "Lope" controversy really heated up the Internet over the last week -- will WAR air or will it be destined to remain on the cutting room floor? 

We have all been waiting for a response from Discovery as to why this show will probably NOT air.  So far, the only response the public received from Discovery channel was this:

Scott Lope's web page was completely stripped recently of all Discovery logos and material.  The link tabs on his web page still work, but where there used to be the Discovery logo, now shows an empty box with an "x" in the left corner.

I cannot help but recall there was another gentleman, William McNamara, who wanted to cover the WAO's animals' relocation for another cable television show; someone who wanted to help fund raise for the animals left behind; and was turned away by the Cryer and Straw. 

Breaks my heart that the real WAO story was not told and instead an attempt was made to fabricate a fictitious story about what really transpired at the WAO.  Oh and goodness knows, we cannot have outside help willing to fund raise for the tigers and primates "left behind" at the WAO, now can we?  Double tragedy!

It's a good thing IFAW is footing the entire animal care expenses until after a determination is made by the bankruptcy court as to where the animals will go.   IFAW, say "thank you" to Cryer and Straw, for turning the WAO story into more of a controversy than was necessary plus not to mention the loss of all those donations $$s that could have been raised in California and Texas!

The moral of the WAO story?  Stop lying everyone!  Be honest.  The public will respond better to the truth regarding the WAO's tragic past and may be more inclined to help the animals "left behind" at the WAO.   Doesn't anyone care about the animals left behind anymore? 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As more and more animals leave the WAO, seeking peace and solace, I cannot help but feel a mixture of happiness (that many animals found really good homes willing to feed and care for the animals until the rest of their natural lives), apprehension (will the new home really give the best care possible to the WAO animals because they truly deserve the best after all that they've been through?), and sadness (that some of the animals went to sanctuaries that may not be able to give the WAO animals all the care and attention they truly deserve). 

Recently, a very concerned animal caregiver was frantic over what will become of the WAO animals left behind -- especially since the evening temperatures dropped to around 32 degrees for three nights in a row.  This person, quite understandably, ideally wanted me to charge in and take over the animals' care with the help of my volunteer team.  While I can get the team back together, there is no way I can legally help the WAO animals anymore. 

All I could do was asked the rescuer to have faith that God will protect the animals during the freeze and to pray for their safe keeping afterwards.  To a desperate rescuer wanting to take action, these words can be the hardest to accept.  I should know, I was always frantic and frustrated during winter freezes, knowing many of the animals were shivering cold in their enclosures, some even loosing their fight to stay alive.  I would write the USDA right before every freeze, giving Dr. Gibbens and Dr. Pannill weather updates, hoping that someone would see how the animals were suffering.   I think I would have gone insane if I didn't hear the same words from another animal rescuer. 

So here it is -- Pray.  Place this burden in God's Hands because there is a limit of what can be done legally for the animals.

I pray every day (at least twice a day) for the animals left behind and for the animals that were scattered throughout the United States. 

The video below is a tribute to the WAO animals that left San Antonio and to those still needing help at Talley Road.   May God Bless and Protect all present and former WAO animals.

Carol Asvestas vs San Antonio Lightning Case To Be Dropped?

Interesting turn of events today! I learned that a new court document was filed on December 17, 2010 to drop the case between Carol Asvestas and the San Antonio Lightning without prejudice on April 19, 2011. 

I learned the filed document is is a standard form the County District Clerk's dismissal clerk draws up to set the case for dismissal. This is an automatic process they do to dispose of cases when they have been sitting around too long without any activity. If neither party brings in any reason to keep the suit going, it will be dismissed on 4-19-2011.

I pray this suit goes away permanently!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Big Reveal!

Finally, after about a month of going through old WAO files, I can finally post the sensitive documents to my blog.    These documents are now on their way to another government agency via snail mail.  While I have little confidence that this governmental body will actually do something, I just wanted to make sure the documents were a matter of record. 

The information you are about to see was, at one time, "client-attorney" privilege material.  As you read the information, it might be helpful to know that the attorney-client preiviledge only belongs to the client and not to the attorney.  Since the client, WAO, allowed me access to the files, in the hopes of finding out just how much money was really stolen from the WAO, privilege was waived.  There was no inadvertent disclosure, I was given complete unfettered acccess to these files as the documents gave me a starting point as to where I should look for the missing funds. 

Clearly, many of the WAO's former board of directors from 2006-2009 will be upset to see these documents made public.  For you see, many of the documents proved my allegations of misappropriated funds to be true, and despite the evidence brought forth to the former WAO board of directors, the USDA, and the Texas Attorney General Office's Charitable Trust Division, not one of these groups did ANYTHING to stop the theft of funds and items nor did they stop the unimaginable number of animal deaths that took place in such a short time span.

IFAW should be ashamed they never came forward and helped me at a time when I needed their help the most to save the WAO animals;

The WAO senior animal caretakers should be ashamed of themselves for lying to the USDA investigators and refusing to testify on behalf of the animals; and

Everyone who ever doubted me when I begged for help should be ashamed as well.

You may not have believed what I said back in the day, so perhaps you'll believe the WAO board of directors and former attorney as they described the major problems that plagued the WAO.  Serious problems, for the most part, were ignored by the government and the WAO board of directors.

Always remember, government will never save animals.  It takes a grass-root effort of a small select group of volunteers willing to put themselves on the line to make that difference.  I just wish I had this information years ago!  Perhaps I could have "encouraged" the government to do the right thing.

For years, I hoped, the TX OAG and the USDA would take this case seriously.  I put all my hopes and prayers that the government would, at the end of the day, save the WAO animals.  I was worng.  Profoundly wrong.  Whatever you do, do not make the same mistake I did -- it will only break your heart. 

So without further ado, here is the first document the WAO board of directors, employees, and government offices do not want you to see.  It's a rather long document, but I think it sets the stage of this tragedy perfectly.

Aleshire - Pending Issues that need to be addressed - Jan 2 2007

Big Reveal Part I: Back-up Documents

Now that you have read the lengthy letter from the WAO's former attorney to the board of directors, let's recap some of their concerns:

1. Ron and Carol were collecting additional paychecks for "contract" work.  Ron, in particular, claimed he worked above and beyond his normal duties as the WAO's former "Director of Construction" when he built animal cages!  I have a feeling Ron Asvestas collected numerous "contract worker" checks over the year and got caught in 2006.  Here is a sample of the checks Ron Asvestas received:

Ron Asvestas Contract Labor checks - 2006

Funny, it appears the WAO attorney was not aware of the other benefits Ron Asvestas gave himself without board approval, such as a "Xmas Bonus" of $500 on December 22.2006. 

Then there are all the payroll draws (think loans, advances, or additional payments made), Ron received over the years.  Below are examples of checks Ron collected, sometimes made payable to community service workers or WAO employees so the IRS would not be able to collect taxes on the monies he received. 

Then there were all the suspicious checks written from April - December 2005 alone!  I reported to the OAG that employees and community service workers were used to cash checks, in their names, and then give the money to either Ron or Carol Asvestas, depending on who wanted the money. 

Petty cash was virtually impossible to track.  Receipts for items purchased were not kept as they should be and too often checks were written and cashed for the Asvestas' personal use.  Once again, petty cash checks were made out to the community service workers or employees and not written out to Ron or Carol Asvestas.  Or how about simply to "cash?"

Take a look at this extensive list yourself for just a 9-month period!

I also wondered if WAO funds were used to pay for the Asvesetas' personal property tax and so after a little digging I was able to find out that the Asvestas personal homestead tax payments were made by Beverly Anderson from at least 2000-2007.  It wasn't until calendar year 2009, did Carol Asvestas started making her own property tax payments.  Why did Beverly Anderson make tax payments for the Asvestas, when the Asvestas could have made payments themselves, either by check (mail) or cash/money order (in person). 

Was WAO's "petty cash" used to pay back Beverly Anderson?  It did not go unnoticed that in 2005, Jessica Anderson cashed a lot of high dollar "petty cash" WAO checks.  Is Jessical Anderson related to Beverly Anderson?  Or how about Jennifer Sprague, a former WAO community restitution worker who cashed a $1000 "Christmas Bonus" check on 12.21.05?  Another WAO mystery.  But I think you can draw your own conclusion as to what really happened at the WAO.

Now read my complaint to USDA/APHIS and you will notice the former WAO attorney and I had several "concerns" in common: 

And my complaint to the OAG as I alleged the Asvestas pretty much ran the show and allegedly stole money from the WAO:

And finally, the BBB Wisegiving - looks like the former WAO attorney and I agreed on several concerns yet again!

Gotta love this attorney as he tries to "rein" in the Asvestas in the next email!

And the former WAO attorney started a file on me?  You have got to be kidding me!

More information to come...stand by...

Big Reveal Part II: Do You Believe Them? I Don't!

Everytime the temperatures dip below 40 degrees, I worry about the WAO animals.  After learning how many primates and big cats died in past years during the winter seasons, I guess my concerns are justified.  I thought I would try one more time to see if someone even cares about the animals as they are forced to endure another cold winter at Talley Road: 
Kristina Brunner
01/24/2011 02:57 PM

To Robert Gibbens
cc "Elizabeth C. Pannill"
Subject WAO Talley Road Facility

Dear Dr. Gibbens:

As you may know, Texas has already experienced several days of freezing temperatures just this month. As I have written in the past, many of the sanctuary's water lines have a tendency of freezing when the temperature drops below 32 degrees because the water lines are kept above ground.

I am contacting you today because I recently saw pictures of a few Talley Road facility primate enclosures and noticed that the water lines have not been buried yet.

In December 2009, Nicole Garcia implemented a change to the water line placements as too many of the lines were freezing and bursting resulting in many of the primates/big cats not receiving clean portable water until the lines were fixed. Starting in December 2009, many of the Leslie Road water lines were
buried, and I am aware the former construction staff started to bury some of the water lines at the Talley Road facility, however it appears, based on the photos I saw, many of the water lines are still above ground and susceptible to freezing or malfunctioning.

If you have seen the same past WAO in-house animal records as I have, then you are aware that many primates died during the cold winter months due to lixits failures, thereby resulting in the deaths of many primates.

Even though the WAO's Talley Road facility is no longer an exhibiting animals, I pray that someone will go to the WAO this week (preferably tomorrow) and check on the primates and big cats living at Talley Road to ensure each and every animal is receiving clean portable water. This week is going to be rather cold, at times dipping to freezing or below freezing temperatures, so I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the animals receiving life-giving water.

As usual, I thank you for your kind consideration of this request -


Kristina Brunner

From: ""

To: Kristina Brunner 
Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 7:28:31 PM
Subject: WAO Talley Road Facility

Dear Ms. Brunner:

Thank you for your message of concern. Dr. Gibbens is out of the office at this time, so I am responding on his behalf.

Although no exhibition activity is taking place as you noted, please rest assured that conditions at WAO are closely monitored by Animal Care on an ongoing basis. This monitoring includes frequent site visits by one or more of our staff, not to perform formal inspections each time, but to assess care and comfort for the animals. The most recent trip to the Talley Road site was on the 22nd; as you note, water lines are not buried, but we did discuss this finding with caretakers and were informed that that to date they have had no broken pipes. Other winter-related capabilities were examined on the same visit. We will continue with this level of oversight, and check in with the facility regularly--particularly if weather conditions deteriorate.

We appreciate your continued interest in the welfare of these animals.

Ray Flynn, DVM
Assistant Regional Director
Western Region, Animal Care
From: ""
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 5:00:49 PM
Subject: Re: WAO Talley Road Facility

I was at Talley Rd last week and all primates have functioning heaters and winter shelter boxes.

There were no broken water lines seen and caretakers said they had not had a problem so far.

Forgive me if I don't believe anything Mary or Michelle Reininger said regarding the condition of the animals' water lines. Why you ask? Well, both ladies lied to the USDA investigators regarding past animal care and deaths and refused to testify on behalf of the animals when the other animal caretakers stepped forward and reported the abysmal care provided to the WAO animals, at a time when the WAO board of directors asked for a report in September 2009. And do you know why the Reiningers refused to testify on behalf of the animals? They didn't want to lose their jobs. 

So, let's take a look at a animal death list, one produced by Michelle and Mary in 2006; one produced with the help of Michelle and Mary in November 2006; and then one I produced based on past documentation from the WAO, and let's just see how many animals died under their "careful watch."

Listing produced by Mary & Michelle Reininger for Carol Asvestas on September 18, 2006:

WAO Exotic Animal Death

Okay, now let's look at another document produced with input from Mary & Michelle Reininger for Carol Asvestas as of November 17, 2006 (approximately two months later). This document was undoubtedly produced on the behest of the former WAO attorney in the event the WAO had to provide the "death" report to either TCEQ, USDA, or the Texas OAG:

WAO Mgmt Animal Death List as of 11.17.06

What this report fails to acknowledge was that there were three (3) bears shot to death when they attempted to flee their enclosure.  The bears were, at that time, let out of their tiny quarantine cages into the main area.  The bears were released to test the electric "hot" lines that were supposed to contain the animals in the larger enclosure.  They did not.   According to a witness that was on site when the bears were shot trying to climb out of the enclosure, Ron Asvestas shot the three bears without reservation as they attempted to climb out of the enclosure.  When I asked if anyone besides herself was shocked over how the bears were killed, she said the Asvestas' were more worried about how to explain the deaths of three bears, than the actual bear deaths.

Looks like the Asvestas solved that problem by NOT acknowledging the deaths of the two other bears. 

As I looked over the listing that Mary & Michelle produced, I couldn't help notice how many inaccurate "cause of deaths" were listed on this report.  So many lies reported.  So many lies, period.

And then there's the report I started compiling starting in 2006:

Alleged Missing or Dead Animal Listing

And finally, the WAO Animal Inventory Listing as of August 25, 2010 listing the animals that were still alive and needed to be rehomed immediately.


What a staggering loss of life over a ten year period.  Sadly, I believe there were a lot more animal deaths not recorded as the WAO did not keep accurate animal records. 

The lies told about the animal records that were supposedly destroyed in the Summer of 2002 flood was created to explain away the missing records.  If the office was flooded in 2002, then why did the "Growing Up Lion" video show everyone working the office during the flood without any problems?  No mention was made on the show that the office flooded and the office files destroyed.  The show did show animals relocated from the flood area to a building directly across from the office, as both areas were located on higher ground.  Also, unless the files, which were supposedly kept in file cabinets, were left laying all over the floor, then they should have survived the 3-4 inches of water that hit one corner of the office's floor due to a leaky roof!  The flood excuse also does not excuse the missing animal records after the Summer of 2002!  See the 2002 OSHA report for yourself!

OSHA Report - 2002

In my opinion, the WAO board of directors and the "senior" animal caretakers should have been prosecuted for lying to goverment investigators, charged with AWA violations and misappropriation of funds. 

And you wonder why I don't trust Mary & Michelle Reininger to tell the truth to the USDA today?  Well wonder no more--now you know why.

Big Reveal Part III - The Big Switch!

By now, I'm sure there are some of you wondering why I am so hard on Sumner Matthes.  After all, as the "patriarch" of the board of directors, who lived in Florida, maybe he didn't know just how bad the situation was in San Antonio.

My response: He should have known what was going on at the WAO, for he was the organization's Vice President.  Friendship with the Asvestas set aside, he should have listened to what I was trying to tell him back in January 2006.  Sumner Matthes' mind was made up back then, and he chose to keep it closed until the organization closed its doors.

I submit the following emails as examples of what Sumner believed to be "true" back in 2007:


Or how about this email?

Email from Sumner - Attorney Letter - 020207

In my opinion, Sumner Matthes should have quit the board the minute the OAG and USDA started their investigations.  He was not present at the WAO, he did not see the conditions the animals were living in for years, and he did not personally go through all the WAO records.   So how in the world could Sumner Matthes be the "mouth piece" for the WAO?  Even when times were "tough," Sumner remained loyal to Carol and Ron Asvestas.  What a cheerleader!

But, when times got tough for Carol Asvestas, what did she do?  Quit!
Matthes and Mireles saw no problem allowing Ron and Carol Asvestas to "switch" board positions, whereas Carol Asvestas "temporarily" resigned from her position as President of the Board for a "couple of months" and Ron Asvestas assumed her position as Prez.

This "switch" is proof that this was a board was "in name only."  Apparently no one objected to the way the "switch" was handled.  There was no resignation letter from Carol.  There was no board meeting electing Ron to the board of directors.  And the big question is, did anyone put forth a motion to "switch" Carol back into her former board position when Ron got tired of being the Prez?  If so, where is the board meeting minutes or the casual email messages switching the Asvestas' positions back again?

In my opinion, this "in-name-only" board was pathetic joke!

Big Reveal - Part IVa: What's the Story About the $15k?

You may remember that Ron Asvestas wanted the WAO to "loan" him several thousands of dollars starting back in 2006. 

I first learned of the so-called loan when I received a copy of the first version of the 2005 990, where it listed Ronald Asvestas as receiving a $10k loan from the WAO. 

Carol Asvestas claimed the $10k "loan" was approved during a December 2005 board meeting.  Okay, that story fell flat as the WAO never held a board meeting in December 2005.  Carol Asvestas' own email to me back in December 2005 indicated that she "wanted" to hold a board meeting in December, but she instead decided to roll the December board meeting to January 7, 2006 (see BB Blog for this email). 

So lie number one gets shot down.  Not wanting to loose the big free money, the Asvestas brought up the "loan" once again during the August 27, 2006 board meeting.  Notice how it is the second item of the board's agenda!  Oh, and this time, Ron Asvestas wants $15k!!

Asus Wao Board Meeting Minutes - 082706

The entire board lied when they agreed, in the board meeting minutes, that the WAO board of directors even held a meeting in December 2005, let alone approved a $10,000 "loan" to Ron Asvestas.  These crooks just wanted to give one of their "own" free money, even going so far as accepting the responsibility to pay back the loan in case Ron "defaults" on the loan--all for show, right?  And is there any doubt in any one's minds that Ron Asvestas took the $10k "loan" back in December 2005?

So, now let's fast forward five months, when the board "rescinded" the $15,000 loan!  See item #12 for the so-called "rescinded" loan motion:

Again, I ask, does anyone out there really believe that Ron Asvestas did not take $15,000 from the WAO the day the loan was approved back in August 2006?  Did you notice that the board meeting minutes did not indicate when Ron Asvestas accepted the $15k and when he planned to pay back the amount? 

What is really interesting is that shortly after Ronald Asvestas received permission from the board to take the $15k, the second version of the 2005 990 was sent to the IRS showing Ronald Asvestas' name removed from the return as a recipient of the $10k "loan."

And then there's the little matter about paying back all the life insurance payments the animals paid for according to past 990s.  I did not see any additional motions made in the WAO's board meeting minutes after February 2007 concerning when Ron Asvestas would pay back this money owed to the animals!

But alas, the Asvestas got what they wanted in February 24, 2007 board meeting minutes -- "entertainment" monies totaling $6k!  And its for their annual Christmas party too...  ohhh, how special.  Folks, I see a lot of bar bills, beer packs, and gift cards purchased with this "entertainment fund" money.  Party on, WAO Board of Directors!

You know, Matthes and Cryer, that $6k should have been used to throw the animals a Christmas party instead.  How about buying the animals Christmas presents, like boomer balls, monkey toys, and the like?  Oh, how about providing the basics of life to the animals?  Like heat for the Talley Road animals during the cold winter months?  Lots of fresh meat and produce for the animals??  Folks, have you noticed that the board rarely brought up the importance of improving the lives of the animals living at the WAO while Asvestas, Matthes, and Cryer were on the board of directors? 

So the question remains, why was Ron Asvestas determined to get his hands on the $15k?  Hmmm... Could it be because Ron and Carol lied on their own tax returns, claiming to earn less than they took from the animals in 2005, so as to pay less federal taxes?  Could it also mean that because the OAG was asking for the WAO's financial records, to include the employees' W-2s for 2005, that they panicked and decided to "come clean" and amend their returns?  Once they "amended" their return, Ron and Carol Asvestas suddenly had to pay additional federal taxes!  Taxes that apparently totaled around $15,000 for the both of them.

Let's take a look at Ron and Carol Asvestas' first set of 2005 W-2s submitted by Ron Asvestas (according to the IRS transmittal sheet):

Notice that the W-2 employer lists the old defunct name for the WAO.  This line should say "Animal Sanctuary of the United States" as this is the corporation's name.

I guess Ron and Carol Asvestas thought they could get away with the fraud as they probably believed no one would check the 2005 990 (for Carol Asvestas' pay) to see how much "compensation" she received from the WAO.  I mean really, if they are producing their own W-2s, then how would anyone know how much they actually took from the WAO? 

I noticed that the required signature (you know the line - "under perjury, I declare I have examined this return...blah, blah, blah) and date was not completed.    I guess neither Ron or Carol wanted to certify that the return was true and correct to the best of their knowledge!

So, when Ron and Carol Asvestas realized they were going to get caught lying on their tax returns, they apparently decided to amend their returns with these documents!

Well, I'll be, they finally got the name of the corporation right on the two W-2s and its transmittal sheet this time! 

Gotta love the excuse, on page 5, why Ron Asvestas (with the help of the WAO's CPA apparently) submitted the additional transmittal sheet (unsigned again?)!  Oh, and of course, the "errors" only affect Ron and Carol Asvestas' IRS account!  Contract workers!  What a hoot!  You know, running a non-profit corporation is a perfect scam  for thieves looking for ways to steal money, not only from the public, but from Uncle Sam as well.  It doesn't seem fair that crooks that steal from the public and the IRS should be allowed to start up, yet again, another non-profit scam, now does it?

In my opinion, the Asvestas were stealing money from the WAO, calling the theft "contract labor work."  Everyone knew they did not perform "contract labor work" at the WAO -- heck, they barely performed any work at all.  I believe this was just another scheme to steal money from the WAO, plain and simple.

You can tell by the email sent to the WAO board of directors, even the former WAO attorneys were feeling a little squeamish over this financial "oversight!"  Yet, nothing from the board?  No demand for repayment?  But...what about the animals?  Doesn't anyone care that money was literally taken out of the mouths of the cats, bears, wolves, chimps, etc?  Yeah, right!

So this got me thinking...just how many other false tax returns were filed with the IRS by Ron and Carol Asvestas (as compared and verified against the organization's tax return 990)?ow many years did they perform "contract labor"?  Hmmm...

Perhaps the IRS should look at their returns starting in 2001!  And perhaps they should also check the returns of all the so-called "contractors'" (Jamie Cryer, Aaron Asvestas, Mike Escamilla, etc) returns as well.  I'm thinking the IRS would have one heck of a field day just looking into this case. 

Hello Texas OAG? Did you contact the IRS and ask them to look into this situation, or did you just turn your head  and looked the other way...again.

Big Reveal V -- Failure to Prosecute!

You know, for the life of me, I could not figure out why the Texas OAG's Charitable Trust Division (CTD) refused to prosecute this case.  I mean come on -- the false 990s, the false W-2s, directors' family using WAO vehicles for personal use, "miss-classifying" contract workers, and so on and so on and so forth! And then I read these emails...

WAO barely submitted their response to the OAG CID and already the OAG is talking about a deal??  James Anthony couldn't be bothered with this case because he had "lots of other fires" to deal with?  What a waste of my time, putting together all the material I had against the WAO's board of directors, when all the OAG wanted to do is "cut a deal."  This is NOT justice for the animals. 

As to the bee in "Kristina Brunner's bonnet" comment -- well I'm just disgusted with that particular comment because clearly the Texas OAG attorney does not know the meaning of the word "justice", not only for the WAO animals, but for all the people that donated money to this scam of a non-profit business.  If he really wanted to know why I was pursuing this case, he should taken my calls, or even called me himself.  But he didn't.  He couldn't be bothered.  

Below is the CID sent to the WAO board of directors back in August 2006.  As you read the CID, keep in mind the WAO asked for an extension and it was granted. 

CID - 080906

Based on the material I sent to the Texas OAG (CTD), it was clear changes needed to be made to protect potential donors from fraud.  The Texas OAG (CTD) attorney conveyed to the WAO attorney the changes that needed to be made as discussed in the email listed below:

So what are the recommended second round of changes that needed to be made at the WAO?  How about their entire program!  Below is an email from the WAO's attorney to the WAO Board of Directors advising them of all the changes that needed to be made in order to operate a 'legal' sanctuary:

Interesting...the OAG (CTD) attorney's concerns happened to address the very same issues I sent as part of my original and subsequent addendum to my complaint package.   Oh, and let's not forget about all the changes needed to be made to the animal program -- I addressed these same issues with the USDA/APHIS.

So, the WAO BOD, OAG, and USDA were fully informed of all the problematic issues requiring immediate correction, and yet no one bothered to follow-up to make sure all the recommended changes were actually made in a timely matter (if at all)?  I guess the OAG and USDA believed "good intentions" and "working together" were better concepts than actually doing something to fix problems. 

Why has our criminal justice system gone soft on criminals who steal funds and assets from unsuspecting contributors? It makes absolutely no sense to me.  It's no wonder why this case dragged on for YEARS with no one held accountable for their misdeeds.  No governmental agency wanted to do its job in protecting potential donors and the animals living at the WAO. 

Absolutely shameful.

Big Reveal VI - "We Are A Legitimate Sanctuary!"

One of my main complaints to the OAG (Charitable Trust Division) was the false information provided to potential donors by way of the WAO's Internet website and its newsletter appeals. I was able to obtain just about every newsletter appeal sent out by the WAO, thanks to a wonderful network of people.  The email from the WAO attorney, addressed to the WAO's board of directors, pretty much covered the same issues I brought up with the Texas OAG (CTD) via my original and subsequent addendums to my complaint package.  

The WAO attorney also addressed problems with the WAO's website, again, pretty much the same issues I brought forth to the OAG. 

What is even more interesting is that the WAO board of directors did not seem to have any problems with Ron and Carol Asvestas running a 'scamuary' instead of a sanctuary, I mean after all, they did give Ron and Carol a huge pay raise in February 2007, did they not?!

Big Reveal Part VII: Swapping WAO Animals Between Leslie and Talley Road

In one of my complaint letters to the USDA/APHIS, I expressed concern that the WAO would frequently moved WAO animals between the two properties.  The USDA stated they could not gain access to the WAO Talley Road facility because it was "closed" to the public.


Not willing to give up on the Talley Road animals, I sent this letter to USDA/AHIS:

Even the WAO's attorney, one month prior expressed his concerns regarding the WAO animal transfers between the Leslie and Tally Road properties:

So?  Did the USDA/APHIS inspect the Talley Road facility?  Nope -- not while the Asvestas and BOD were in charge of the organization.

The WAO Board of Directors had a lot to hide at Talley Road-- the large animal burial pits, the substandard enclosures, and bears and tigers living in small filthy quarantine cages for YEARS.  

The USDA made half hearten attempts to gain access to the Talley Road facility as seen by the following USDA/APHIS reports:

If the USDA wanted to gain access to the property, they could have done so legally.  Instead, the inspectors chose to turn their collective heads away from the growing problem at the WAO.  You cannot begin to understand the frustration I felt as I tried time and time again to get someone to inspect the Talley Road property. 

What is worse is the WAO animal caretakers could have told the inspectors what was happening to the animals, and yet they purposely chose to keep their mouths shut. Sadly, several tigers and the bears were warehoused at the Talley Road property, living in small cages with absolutely no enrichment toys or any type of natural stimuli to keep their minds and bodies healthy -- just animals living in tiny filthy concrete cages devoid of any physical stimuli ...these animals were simply existing without a purpose in life. 

We don't even treat convicted criminals this inhumanely.  Yet the WAO animal caretakers and board of directors thought it was okay to treat the animals that way?  I'm at a loss for words...

Big Reveal, Part VIII: WAO's Former Attoney's Intention Wish Lists

Okay, now that I have set the stage, let's take a peek at the former WAO's attorney's first thoughts on the WAO, as he tried to make certain guarantees to the OAG - Charitable Trust Division attorney, James Anthony, that changes will be made as to how the WAO operated. 

While many of the promised changes were actually made (eventually), the board fell short of accomplishing the WAO's attorney's intention wish list.  Always remember, in the world of non-profit animal sanctuaries, it's good intentions that count...not actual results:

Ironically, all the proposed changes came from my numerous complaints to the OAG as to how the WAO operated.  Boy, did I make the OAG's job much easier to pursue!