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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As more and more animals leave the WAO, seeking peace and solace, I cannot help but feel a mixture of happiness (that many animals found really good homes willing to feed and care for the animals until the rest of their natural lives), apprehension (will the new home really give the best care possible to the WAO animals because they truly deserve the best after all that they've been through?), and sadness (that some of the animals went to sanctuaries that may not be able to give the WAO animals all the care and attention they truly deserve). 

Recently, a very concerned animal caregiver was frantic over what will become of the WAO animals left behind -- especially since the evening temperatures dropped to around 32 degrees for three nights in a row.  This person, quite understandably, ideally wanted me to charge in and take over the animals' care with the help of my volunteer team.  While I can get the team back together, there is no way I can legally help the WAO animals anymore. 

All I could do was asked the rescuer to have faith that God will protect the animals during the freeze and to pray for their safe keeping afterwards.  To a desperate rescuer wanting to take action, these words can be the hardest to accept.  I should know, I was always frantic and frustrated during winter freezes, knowing many of the animals were shivering cold in their enclosures, some even loosing their fight to stay alive.  I would write the USDA right before every freeze, giving Dr. Gibbens and Dr. Pannill weather updates, hoping that someone would see how the animals were suffering.   I think I would have gone insane if I didn't hear the same words from another animal rescuer. 

So here it is -- Pray.  Place this burden in God's Hands because there is a limit of what can be done legally for the animals.

I pray every day (at least twice a day) for the animals left behind and for the animals that were scattered throughout the United States. 

The video below is a tribute to the WAO animals that left San Antonio and to those still needing help at Talley Road.   May God Bless and Protect all present and former WAO animals.

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