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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Scott Lope's Show Should Be Repo'd!

This is the ad posted on several animal sanctuary Facebook pages, including Jungle Friends and Wildcat Sanctuary (Jungle Friends even posted a kudo on Scott Lope's Facebook page): 
Don’t miss the new series ‘Wild Animal Repo’ on Discovery next Sunday, January 16th 9 pm and midnight. Scott Lope heads to Texas to rescue a troop of capuchin monkeys from a soon to be demolished roadside zoo! The monkeys find a safe haven at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary. Scott also rescues 22 bears from a suspected breeding facility and six tigers in flimsy cages.
Both organizations encouraged their "fans" to tune into the animal rescue show. 

So I checked out Scott Lope's Facebook page and found these two videos depicting WAO animals:

I was not short of words when I first saw these two videos -- words that I cannot print on this blog as it would not be appropriate for young readers to see.  I can tell you this, I was appalled as to how the animals were treated in the primate video.  Good grief, there were so many safety violations seen in this short video advertisement!  No respectable primatologist would have entered a primate enclosure unknown to him or her, flaying around a giant butterfly net several feet above ground in the hopes of capturing or startling one of the monks into exiting the cage.  The poor capuchins looked absolutely terrified.  Scott Lope is not an expert in animal care.  It appears he is more interested in looking good for the camera and meeting a self-imposed deadline than the safety and well-being of the relocating animals.  And on top of that to claim that the WAO was a “roadside zoo” denigrates all the animals that were sent to the wild animal sanctuary by IFAW, USDA, HSUS, and other well known animal agencies.

Then there's the fictitious story about the WAO bears.  Where do I begin [taking a very deep breath]?!!!

This video looks like it was filmed at the old 22 bear quarantine enclosures located at Talley Road.  I was told by Pat Craig (director of The Wild Animal Sanctuary) several months ago that Scott Lope was present at the WAO to film the bears' relocation from Texas to Colorado and that the show would air in mid-January 2011.

After viewing the video and looking at the pictures I last took of the bears in April 2010, I am convinced the bears shown in the video are the WAO bears!  Here are some photos of the bears I took last year:

Apparently, several of the bears were loaded into transporters and then transported down the hill (by way of a front loader driven by Henry) to Pat Craig's waiting animal transportation trailers. 

[Okay, now I'm letting my breath out]  This Scott Lope person is a flat-out liar!  I don't know where he found the two "actors" to pose as the bears' "owners"--they were probably friends of Scott.  The WAO was not a breeding facility, selling its bears to research companies.  The entire confrontation scene between Scott and the fake "owners" was a complete FARCE, and Scott Lope should be discredited by all animal rescue groups and sanctuaries for lying to the public.

Folks, this is what I've been fighting against for the last five years.  Lies, misrepresentations, and profiteering off the backs of the animals.  This Scott person has made a mockery of what the WAO animals went through for the last 10 years and he should be ashamed of himself.  Several bears died in the conditions shown above.  Scott Lope's rendition of why the animals were being relocated is a slap in the face to all the bears that lost their lives at the WAO.  This liar is no better than the Asvestas' of the world.

Make no mistake, Scott Lope did not "rescue" these animals.  The bears and capuchins were already scheduled to relocate to their respective new homes.  Scott merely hitched his media wagon along for the ride and then turned the animals' relocation into a circus--he was no rescuer!  If The Wild Animal Sanctuary (Colorado) allowed this farce to go unchallenged, then clearly The Wild Animal Sanctuary has no  problem lying to the public about how they receive their animals.

Several years ago, I spoke with Scott Lope on the phone regarding the relocation of two tigers, Ekaterina and Sierra, from Ohio to Texas.  I begged him not to allow the tigers to go to the WAO.  He listened to what I had to say on the phone and promised me he would get back with me right away.  He NEVER called me back.  So much for his concern for the tigers! 

On my own, I tried to reach his boss at that time, Carol Baskins, to let her know why the tigers should NOT relocate to the WAO.  For our email exchange back in October 2007, click here: 

I pray Wild Animal Repo show fails horribly because this person is using animals to further his career.  He is NOT interested in the truth.  He is only out to make buck off the backs of the animals and for this he should be shunned by the animal world.  I have to wonder, where in the world did he learn to lie like this to the public?

Sadly, IFAW, HSUS, exotic wild animal sanctuaries, and the like will probably hail him as a hero, just like Animal Planet named him their Hero of the Year in 2009. 

In my eyes, he is no hero.  Where's the repo man when you need him?

Later:  I found this comment on Facebook:

Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary Watch Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary’s last monkey rescue on Discovery, the season premiere of 'Wild Animal Repo' tonight at 9 pm and midnight. Scott Lope heads to Texas to rescue a troop of capuchin monkeys from a soon to be demolished roadside zoo! The monkeys find a safe haven at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary. ...Scott also rescues 22 bears from a suspected breeding facility and six tigers in flimsy cages.

Wild Animal Repo: Monkey Business : Video : Discovery Channel

There's some monkey business going on at an abandoned roadside zoo in Texas. See how Scott secures 25 wild monkeys!

January 16 at 3:02pm · Like · Comment · View Feedback (7)Hide Feedback (7).

Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary Discovery pulled the show at the last minute, it was not aired, evidently they are getting a lot of heat from the idiots who think people have a 'right' to have exotic animals as 'pets'. So, we shall see what happens, remembering that Discovery has a show with Palin shooting animals!
January 18 at 7:05pm

Really, I'm an idiot.  For wanting to the truth to come out as to exactly how the WAO closed its doors due to excessive misappropriation of funds by a corrupt Board of Directors.  I am very disappointed in Kari Bagnall; I thought she had more character than this mud slinging against those who just want truthful reporting about the WAO animals' relocation.  I guess this means Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary will not get the "promised money" from the Discovery Channel after all.

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