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Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Reveal V -- Failure to Prosecute!

You know, for the life of me, I could not figure out why the Texas OAG's Charitable Trust Division (CTD) refused to prosecute this case.  I mean come on -- the false 990s, the false W-2s, directors' family using WAO vehicles for personal use, "miss-classifying" contract workers, and so on and so on and so forth! And then I read these emails...

WAO barely submitted their response to the OAG CID and already the OAG is talking about a deal??  James Anthony couldn't be bothered with this case because he had "lots of other fires" to deal with?  What a waste of my time, putting together all the material I had against the WAO's board of directors, when all the OAG wanted to do is "cut a deal."  This is NOT justice for the animals. 

As to the bee in "Kristina Brunner's bonnet" comment -- well I'm just disgusted with that particular comment because clearly the Texas OAG attorney does not know the meaning of the word "justice", not only for the WAO animals, but for all the people that donated money to this scam of a non-profit business.  If he really wanted to know why I was pursuing this case, he should taken my calls, or even called me himself.  But he didn't.  He couldn't be bothered.  

Below is the CID sent to the WAO board of directors back in August 2006.  As you read the CID, keep in mind the WAO asked for an extension and it was granted. 

CID - 080906

Based on the material I sent to the Texas OAG (CTD), it was clear changes needed to be made to protect potential donors from fraud.  The Texas OAG (CTD) attorney conveyed to the WAO attorney the changes that needed to be made as discussed in the email listed below:

So what are the recommended second round of changes that needed to be made at the WAO?  How about their entire program!  Below is an email from the WAO's attorney to the WAO Board of Directors advising them of all the changes that needed to be made in order to operate a 'legal' sanctuary:

Interesting...the OAG (CTD) attorney's concerns happened to address the very same issues I sent as part of my original and subsequent addendum to my complaint package.   Oh, and let's not forget about all the changes needed to be made to the animal program -- I addressed these same issues with the USDA/APHIS.

So, the WAO BOD, OAG, and USDA were fully informed of all the problematic issues requiring immediate correction, and yet no one bothered to follow-up to make sure all the recommended changes were actually made in a timely matter (if at all)?  I guess the OAG and USDA believed "good intentions" and "working together" were better concepts than actually doing something to fix problems. 

Why has our criminal justice system gone soft on criminals who steal funds and assets from unsuspecting contributors? It makes absolutely no sense to me.  It's no wonder why this case dragged on for YEARS with no one held accountable for their misdeeds.  No governmental agency wanted to do its job in protecting potential donors and the animals living at the WAO. 

Absolutely shameful.

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