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Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hell's bells, this entire "Lope" controversy really heated up the Internet over the last week -- will WAR air or will it be destined to remain on the cutting room floor? 

We have all been waiting for a response from Discovery as to why this show will probably NOT air.  So far, the only response the public received from Discovery channel was this:

Scott Lope's web page was completely stripped recently of all Discovery logos and material.  The link tabs on his web page still work, but where there used to be the Discovery logo, now shows an empty box with an "x" in the left corner.

I cannot help but recall there was another gentleman, William McNamara, who wanted to cover the WAO's animals' relocation for another cable television show; someone who wanted to help fund raise for the animals left behind; and was turned away by the Cryer and Straw. 

Breaks my heart that the real WAO story was not told and instead an attempt was made to fabricate a fictitious story about what really transpired at the WAO.  Oh and goodness knows, we cannot have outside help willing to fund raise for the tigers and primates "left behind" at the WAO, now can we?  Double tragedy!

It's a good thing IFAW is footing the entire animal care expenses until after a determination is made by the bankruptcy court as to where the animals will go.   IFAW, say "thank you" to Cryer and Straw, for turning the WAO story into more of a controversy than was necessary plus not to mention the loss of all those donations $$s that could have been raised in California and Texas!

The moral of the WAO story?  Stop lying everyone!  Be honest.  The public will respond better to the truth regarding the WAO's tragic past and may be more inclined to help the animals "left behind" at the WAO.   Doesn't anyone care about the animals left behind anymore? 

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