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Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Reveal Part I: Back-up Documents

Now that you have read the lengthy letter from the WAO's former attorney to the board of directors, let's recap some of their concerns:

1. Ron and Carol were collecting additional paychecks for "contract" work.  Ron, in particular, claimed he worked above and beyond his normal duties as the WAO's former "Director of Construction" when he built animal cages!  I have a feeling Ron Asvestas collected numerous "contract worker" checks over the year and got caught in 2006.  Here is a sample of the checks Ron Asvestas received:

Ron Asvestas Contract Labor checks - 2006

Funny, it appears the WAO attorney was not aware of the other benefits Ron Asvestas gave himself without board approval, such as a "Xmas Bonus" of $500 on December 22.2006. 

Then there are all the payroll draws (think loans, advances, or additional payments made), Ron received over the years.  Below are examples of checks Ron collected, sometimes made payable to community service workers or WAO employees so the IRS would not be able to collect taxes on the monies he received. 

Then there were all the suspicious checks written from April - December 2005 alone!  I reported to the OAG that employees and community service workers were used to cash checks, in their names, and then give the money to either Ron or Carol Asvestas, depending on who wanted the money. 

Petty cash was virtually impossible to track.  Receipts for items purchased were not kept as they should be and too often checks were written and cashed for the Asvestas' personal use.  Once again, petty cash checks were made out to the community service workers or employees and not written out to Ron or Carol Asvestas.  Or how about simply to "cash?"

Take a look at this extensive list yourself for just a 9-month period!

I also wondered if WAO funds were used to pay for the Asvesetas' personal property tax and so after a little digging I was able to find out that the Asvestas personal homestead tax payments were made by Beverly Anderson from at least 2000-2007.  It wasn't until calendar year 2009, did Carol Asvestas started making her own property tax payments.  Why did Beverly Anderson make tax payments for the Asvestas, when the Asvestas could have made payments themselves, either by check (mail) or cash/money order (in person). 

Was WAO's "petty cash" used to pay back Beverly Anderson?  It did not go unnoticed that in 2005, Jessica Anderson cashed a lot of high dollar "petty cash" WAO checks.  Is Jessical Anderson related to Beverly Anderson?  Or how about Jennifer Sprague, a former WAO community restitution worker who cashed a $1000 "Christmas Bonus" check on 12.21.05?  Another WAO mystery.  But I think you can draw your own conclusion as to what really happened at the WAO.

Now read my complaint to USDA/APHIS and you will notice the former WAO attorney and I had several "concerns" in common: 

And my complaint to the OAG as I alleged the Asvestas pretty much ran the show and allegedly stole money from the WAO:

And finally, the BBB Wisegiving - looks like the former WAO attorney and I agreed on several concerns yet again!

Gotta love this attorney as he tries to "rein" in the Asvestas in the next email!

And the former WAO attorney started a file on me?  You have got to be kidding me!

More information to come...stand by...

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