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Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Reveal - Part IVa: What's the Story About the $15k?

You may remember that Ron Asvestas wanted the WAO to "loan" him several thousands of dollars starting back in 2006. 

I first learned of the so-called loan when I received a copy of the first version of the 2005 990, where it listed Ronald Asvestas as receiving a $10k loan from the WAO. 

Carol Asvestas claimed the $10k "loan" was approved during a December 2005 board meeting.  Okay, that story fell flat as the WAO never held a board meeting in December 2005.  Carol Asvestas' own email to me back in December 2005 indicated that she "wanted" to hold a board meeting in December, but she instead decided to roll the December board meeting to January 7, 2006 (see BB Blog for this email). 

So lie number one gets shot down.  Not wanting to loose the big free money, the Asvestas brought up the "loan" once again during the August 27, 2006 board meeting.  Notice how it is the second item of the board's agenda!  Oh, and this time, Ron Asvestas wants $15k!!

Asus Wao Board Meeting Minutes - 082706

The entire board lied when they agreed, in the board meeting minutes, that the WAO board of directors even held a meeting in December 2005, let alone approved a $10,000 "loan" to Ron Asvestas.  These crooks just wanted to give one of their "own" free money, even going so far as accepting the responsibility to pay back the loan in case Ron "defaults" on the loan--all for show, right?  And is there any doubt in any one's minds that Ron Asvestas took the $10k "loan" back in December 2005?

So, now let's fast forward five months, when the board "rescinded" the $15,000 loan!  See item #12 for the so-called "rescinded" loan motion:

Again, I ask, does anyone out there really believe that Ron Asvestas did not take $15,000 from the WAO the day the loan was approved back in August 2006?  Did you notice that the board meeting minutes did not indicate when Ron Asvestas accepted the $15k and when he planned to pay back the amount? 

What is really interesting is that shortly after Ronald Asvestas received permission from the board to take the $15k, the second version of the 2005 990 was sent to the IRS showing Ronald Asvestas' name removed from the return as a recipient of the $10k "loan."

And then there's the little matter about paying back all the life insurance payments the animals paid for according to past 990s.  I did not see any additional motions made in the WAO's board meeting minutes after February 2007 concerning when Ron Asvestas would pay back this money owed to the animals!

But alas, the Asvestas got what they wanted in February 24, 2007 board meeting minutes -- "entertainment" monies totaling $6k!  And its for their annual Christmas party too...  ohhh, how special.  Folks, I see a lot of bar bills, beer packs, and gift cards purchased with this "entertainment fund" money.  Party on, WAO Board of Directors!

You know, Matthes and Cryer, that $6k should have been used to throw the animals a Christmas party instead.  How about buying the animals Christmas presents, like boomer balls, monkey toys, and the like?  Oh, how about providing the basics of life to the animals?  Like heat for the Talley Road animals during the cold winter months?  Lots of fresh meat and produce for the animals??  Folks, have you noticed that the board rarely brought up the importance of improving the lives of the animals living at the WAO while Asvestas, Matthes, and Cryer were on the board of directors? 

So the question remains, why was Ron Asvestas determined to get his hands on the $15k?  Hmmm... Could it be because Ron and Carol lied on their own tax returns, claiming to earn less than they took from the animals in 2005, so as to pay less federal taxes?  Could it also mean that because the OAG was asking for the WAO's financial records, to include the employees' W-2s for 2005, that they panicked and decided to "come clean" and amend their returns?  Once they "amended" their return, Ron and Carol Asvestas suddenly had to pay additional federal taxes!  Taxes that apparently totaled around $15,000 for the both of them.

Let's take a look at Ron and Carol Asvestas' first set of 2005 W-2s submitted by Ron Asvestas (according to the IRS transmittal sheet):

Notice that the W-2 employer lists the old defunct name for the WAO.  This line should say "Animal Sanctuary of the United States" as this is the corporation's name.

I guess Ron and Carol Asvestas thought they could get away with the fraud as they probably believed no one would check the 2005 990 (for Carol Asvestas' pay) to see how much "compensation" she received from the WAO.  I mean really, if they are producing their own W-2s, then how would anyone know how much they actually took from the WAO? 

I noticed that the required signature (you know the line - "under perjury, I declare I have examined this return...blah, blah, blah) and date was not completed.    I guess neither Ron or Carol wanted to certify that the return was true and correct to the best of their knowledge!

So, when Ron and Carol Asvestas realized they were going to get caught lying on their tax returns, they apparently decided to amend their returns with these documents!

Well, I'll be, they finally got the name of the corporation right on the two W-2s and its transmittal sheet this time! 

Gotta love the excuse, on page 5, why Ron Asvestas (with the help of the WAO's CPA apparently) submitted the additional transmittal sheet (unsigned again?)!  Oh, and of course, the "errors" only affect Ron and Carol Asvestas' IRS account!  Contract workers!  What a hoot!  You know, running a non-profit corporation is a perfect scam  for thieves looking for ways to steal money, not only from the public, but from Uncle Sam as well.  It doesn't seem fair that crooks that steal from the public and the IRS should be allowed to start up, yet again, another non-profit scam, now does it?

In my opinion, the Asvestas were stealing money from the WAO, calling the theft "contract labor work."  Everyone knew they did not perform "contract labor work" at the WAO -- heck, they barely performed any work at all.  I believe this was just another scheme to steal money from the WAO, plain and simple.

You can tell by the email sent to the WAO board of directors, even the former WAO attorneys were feeling a little squeamish over this financial "oversight!"  Yet, nothing from the board?  No demand for repayment?  But...what about the animals?  Doesn't anyone care that money was literally taken out of the mouths of the cats, bears, wolves, chimps, etc?  Yeah, right!

So this got me thinking...just how many other false tax returns were filed with the IRS by Ron and Carol Asvestas (as compared and verified against the organization's tax return 990)?ow many years did they perform "contract labor"?  Hmmm...

Perhaps the IRS should look at their returns starting in 2001!  And perhaps they should also check the returns of all the so-called "contractors'" (Jamie Cryer, Aaron Asvestas, Mike Escamilla, etc) returns as well.  I'm thinking the IRS would have one heck of a field day just looking into this case. 

Hello Texas OAG? Did you contact the IRS and ask them to look into this situation, or did you just turn your head  and looked the other way...again.

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