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Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Reveal Part VII: Swapping WAO Animals Between Leslie and Talley Road

In one of my complaint letters to the USDA/APHIS, I expressed concern that the WAO would frequently moved WAO animals between the two properties.  The USDA stated they could not gain access to the WAO Talley Road facility because it was "closed" to the public.


Not willing to give up on the Talley Road animals, I sent this letter to USDA/AHIS:

Even the WAO's attorney, one month prior expressed his concerns regarding the WAO animal transfers between the Leslie and Tally Road properties:

So?  Did the USDA/APHIS inspect the Talley Road facility?  Nope -- not while the Asvestas and BOD were in charge of the organization.

The WAO Board of Directors had a lot to hide at Talley Road-- the large animal burial pits, the substandard enclosures, and bears and tigers living in small filthy quarantine cages for YEARS.  

The USDA made half hearten attempts to gain access to the Talley Road facility as seen by the following USDA/APHIS reports:

If the USDA wanted to gain access to the property, they could have done so legally.  Instead, the inspectors chose to turn their collective heads away from the growing problem at the WAO.  You cannot begin to understand the frustration I felt as I tried time and time again to get someone to inspect the Talley Road property. 

What is worse is the WAO animal caretakers could have told the inspectors what was happening to the animals, and yet they purposely chose to keep their mouths shut. Sadly, several tigers and the bears were warehoused at the Talley Road property, living in small cages with absolutely no enrichment toys or any type of natural stimuli to keep their minds and bodies healthy -- just animals living in tiny filthy concrete cages devoid of any physical stimuli ...these animals were simply existing without a purpose in life. 

We don't even treat convicted criminals this inhumanely.  Yet the WAO animal caretakers and board of directors thought it was okay to treat the animals that way?  I'm at a loss for words...

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