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Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Show Will Go On...or Maybe Not!

From the Wild Animal Repo Facebook page (yep, the show that has not aired even has a Facebook page!):

Wild Animal Repo
While we are all in the dark about when and if this show will air, so many animals are languishing in dark, dank cells. We need to use this frustration to spread the word that wild animals should not be bred as pets.
Yesterday at 11:59am • View Feedback (19)Hide Feedback (19)
Wild Animal Repo
Wild Animal Repo will still air, we just had a scheduling issue. Stay Tuned!
January 18 at 12:48pmiPhone via

Wild Animal Repo 
My apologies to everyone, Discovery just pulled a last minute schedule change and Wild Animal Repo has been postponed and will not air tonight. Please show your support on the blogs, apparently there are some negative comments on there that have scared them into pulling the show! BLOG AWAY!! PLEASE!!!!!  January 16 at 8:13pm
Scott Lope's Facebook Page

My deepest apologies to everyone, Discovery just pulled a last minute schedule change and Wild Animal Repo has been postponed and will not air tonight. Please call them or e-mail and let them know your opinion.
January 16 at 7:10pm
Scott Lope's Facebook Page

‎240-662-2000 ... just saying.
January 16 at 8:31pm

Tammy Quist Thies We'll be calling and writing too.
January 17 at 8:25am

So the two million (approximate cost to produce the show) question is -- will the show go on as is or will it be "rescripted?"

I have to wonder how upset the Discovery channel must be to learn that the "rescues" were scripted and that there was no "rescue" at all!  To think, the Wild Animal Sanctuary's Pat Craig, Wildcat Sanctuary's Tammy Theis, and Jungle Friends' Kari Bagnall were willing to sit back silently while this FARCE of a show air on TV, all the while knowing that what was to be aired was a lie...and for what?  Money?  Prestige? 


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