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Thursday, November 11, 2010

All the Media Attention Given to a False Story!

Wow, I just found these photos on

Bali sleeping after darted.
Bali with a dart sticking her in upper chest
Henry Newman
Dick Green and Mary Reininger

Turning Bali the tiger onto a stretcher in preparation for transport.
The mouth of Bali the tiger is checked after the big cat was sedated.

After all the hoopla yesterday about the WAO animals leaving and the false public statements made to save face, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from an Express-News reporter interested in the WAO story.

The reporter requested information regarding the WAO as he was planning on covering the animals' move from San Antonio to North Carolina today and possibly a series of stories on the WAO's downfall.  I gave him access to my three blogs and I provided him links to the (great government and media material on the WAO on this site, plus the link to the USDA/APHIS inspection reports.  He said he would call me today if he had any question regarding the material on my blogs.

Well, so far no call and the reporter has not accessed my blogs.  Looks like he changed his mind in covering this most important story (okay I'm biased, but heck I think I should be granted some leeway on this one).
In any case, WOAI was there to cover the tigers' move at the WAO.  I did not see the lions being packed up, just the tigers, so I wonder if the lions are leaving the WAO after all. 

It doesn't make sense to have two separate transportation trips unless the lions are not ready to leave (due to parasite infections or illness) or they required another transporter.  I have to admit surprise when the newscaster indicated the reason the animals were leaving was due to financial problems.  WOAI covered the real reason why the WAO was having problems, and yet they blabbed out the "IFAW party line" as to why the WAO is closing down.

Everyone!  The WAO closed not due to a lack of finances!  The WAO closed because of mismanagement, misappropriation of funds, and violations of the Animal Welfare Act which led to financial difficulties.  When will the media ever get this story right?  The truth can be found with the USDA/APHIS, Texas OAG, and TCEQ--all the reporters have to do is a little research. 

IFAW is trying it's best to claim they are "rescuing" the WAO tigers, when in reality they were enablers to the WAO board of directors' greed and mismanagement.  Everyone is making up stories as they go, trying to paint a pretty picture of a very sad and disturbing case. 

Some day soon, the truth will be made public.  What will IFAW do then?  Lie?  Bury the story?  Or admit the truth?  Only time will only tell.

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