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Saturday, November 13, 2010

WAO Filed For Bankruptcy!

The following information was obtained from the Western District Courts:

Notice of Chapter 11, Bankruptcy Case, Meeting of Creditors, & Deadlines

ASUS Attorney of Record

Now that it is on record, thanks to Michelle Cryer's interview yesterday on KSAT-12 news, that there was misappropriation of funds going on during the board of directors tenure and whereas the WAO did not have the means of taking care of its animals without long-term care plans and funding; perhaps I should jump on the band wagon and sue her and each 2006-2009 board director for all the work, pain, and suffering I had to go through to prove this case. They failed in their fiduciary responsibility to investigate the allegations made against the WAO's board of directors.  And for that, they should not get off scott-free.  I'm thinking $240k has a nice ring to it...$60k per each year I worked every day (and late into the night) trying to save the WAO animals from the ******* board members.  And not to mention the defamation of my character and all the slander I had to put up with because the 2006-2009 board of directors worked really hard to discredit me and derail the WAO investigation.

Their investigations into the WAO operations should have been triggered once they (a) heard my allegations during the emergency board meeting and (b) learned about the on-going investigative cases with the OAG, USDA, and TCEQ.  I mean really, didn't they for one iota think SOMETHING was a miss when so many agencies opened up investigations against the WAO at the same time.  Did they EVER obtain open records from any of the agencies?  Did they ever contact me to learn the truth?  I think you already know they answers to these questions.

The WAO was not supposed to file for final bankruptcy and liquidation.  This was not supposed to happen.  I still cannot believe this nightmare is happening because of ***** board members who refused to listen to the truth four years ago. I am sick and heartbroken.  And I'm really, really angry.  Stages of Grief - I'm still in stage 3.

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