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Monday, November 8, 2010

T'Savo, Kira, and Layla Moved to Minnesota

The photo to the left was posted on Twitter on or about November 4, 2010.  From left to right is Michelle Reinger, Mary Reininger and Mike Dereadt.  T'Savo is the lion in the transporter.

I've been reading a few web posting (including the one posted below) about how devastated and sad the WAO animal caretakers must be feeling right now as the majority of the animals are leaving San Antonio. 

Forgive me if I don't get out my miniature violin to play a soulful song for the WAO's animal caretakers. 

For you see, these are the same workers that made false statements to Federal and State investigators in 2006 - 2008, both verbally and in writing, regarding the care of the animals.  The same workers that lied to the 2005-2008 WAO Board of Directors regarding the number of animal deaths at the WAO.  They are the same workers that refused to call the WAO's vet when the animals were gravely ill or injured for fear the vet might euthanize the animals.  The same workers that allowed Jake, the White Crowned Managaby, to die a slow and painful death, because they could not be bothered to report his dramatic weight loss and coughs to the new director until it was too late.  The same workers that REFUSED to be the voice for the WAO animals during the times they needed them the most.  And on a personal level -- the same workers that said they would stand beside me during the January 7, 2006 Emergency Board Meeting, as I outlined all the animal-related problems to the WAO board of directors, but instead hid in the back of the office, essentially leaving me hanging out to dry.

Like the 2006-2009 WAO Board of Directors, the animal caretakers should be prosecuted for hindering the investigation into the allegations made that the WAO continuously violated the AWA.

So, please don't feel sorry for the workers.  Save your pity and sadness for the animals that lost their lives because the workers REFUSED to protect and defend the very animals they now claim they love and will miss very much.


The third wave of Texas cats are finally at home at The Wildcat Sanctuary. Tsavo, a lioness, and Kita, a tiger are the best of friends and loaded easily for the trip to Minnesota. 19-year-old tiger, Layla, had to be sedated but it gave us the opportunity to perform a full exam. Given her age she has kidney disease and a tumor in her colon, but we still hope she will be with us for several years.

Our Sanctuary accepted a total of nine cats from The Wild Animal Orphanage in Texas who will be closing its doors. I am so grateful that so many organizations, donors and volunteers came together to help the animals. When I first received notice of the facility’s closure there were over 400 animals in need of a new home. Now, there are less than 150 and we all are still working on placing as many animals in reputable facilities as possible. In the meantime, the board and staff of WAO will care for the remaining animals as long as funding permits.

This journey has been a true test. Our small sanctuary originally went to help a few animals, but once we met the caretakers and saw the faces of all the animals still in need, we couldn’t walk away. We agreed to take in 3 more big cats as well as volunteer to coordinate placements of other animals. The WAO care staff has been amazing and giving all they can to the animals with limited resources. The cats chuff and rub as the keepers walk by and you can see they have a true affection for each other. I can’t imagine how bittersweet it is for the WAO keepers to see so many of the animals they have cared for leave. It was a selfless act to let them start a new chapter in their life vs. waiting for the funds to run out and the animals suffer.

With your ongoing support, we can truly provide a natural, open space for all the new tigers and bobcats in Wild Woodlands. Wild Woodlands is a new area of the sanctuary that will be constructed similar to Cougar Cove. It will have a central building for den areas and spoked habitat areas off of it. Each cat will have a free-roaming habitat that provide them with the largest space they have ever had in captivity. We will be breaking ground this week and setting posts for the first new tiger enclosure. Transporting the cats was only the first step of their new life. Vet examinations and spays will take place for them beginning this weekend. Heated dens, perches and toys have been provided in temporarpy habitats in Cougar Cove and quarantine. And construction will continue through winter. You can help by donating today!

Our commitment to the remaining animals at WAO has not wavered. Though, we are at capacity and cannot accept anymore at TWS, we will continue to facilitate placements elsewhere and provide vet care and food supplies if needed.

Together, we have all made such a big difference in so many lives of animals in need. I can’t thank everyone enough who continues to come forward to help.

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