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Monday, November 29, 2010

Cougars and Macaques Relocate to WRR!

I found these updates on the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Facebook pages:

November 23, 2010
Two new mountain lions will call WRR home today! We took in one male and one female. We are in the process of getting them acclimated to their surroundings and introducing them to their new enclosure companions.
Sarah, the cougar that escaped the WAO now calls WRR home.  The WAO no longer has any more cougars on its property.

October 28, 2010
Today WRR received 8 new residents! We agreed to rescue 6 macaques and 2 mountain lions after a large animal facility closed recently. We think that we will be able to give these amazing animals the life they deserve. Join us in welcoming them to the WRR family. Take a look at their transport album in our "photos" section (see below):

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