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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Very Happy 3 Big Cats Relocated to Nevada

One thing that I’ve learned, as time marches on, is that things are not always as they appear. For instance, I remarked in an earlier posting I was saddened by the lack of enrichment items for Lulu and the lions, Kovu and IFAW, whom recently relocated to Nevada’s Safe Haven Rescue Zoo.

It wasn’t until I saw close-up photos of Lulu, IFAW, and Kovu did I realize how lucky they were to leave the WAO when they did, even if their cages weren’t exactly the Taj Mahal in all its splendor at this time.  For you see, I believe the animals were probably very close to death due to their significant weight loss which occurred from Jun – August 2010. 

In the August 19, 2010 USDA Inspection Report, it was documented that big cats' meat was "in short supply."  The inspector reported that the animal caretakers reduced the amount of meat given to the big cats in order to stretch out the meat supply. 

Towards the end of April 2010, Mary and Michelle Reininger told me the amount of meat given out during the summer months was 6 lbs per large cat.  If this 'summer' amount was reduced and the animals were forced to fast two times a week, then I truly believe the cats were in serious trouble -- perhaps even close to starvation, or at the least, serious irreparable health problems (renal failure, skeletal issues, vitamin deficiency, etc) thereby greatly shortening the animals'  life expectancy. 

Note:  I noticed that not only did the cats looked thin in the Safe Haven pictures, but several other big cats looked thin in pictures I've seen from other sanctuaries that took in WAO survivors.  It is very upsetting to see so much skin hanging under the bellies of the animals and the sharp outline of their spinal and hip bones in all the pictures I've seen thus far.  I cannot believe the USDA allowed the situation to get this bad.

Anyhoo, this week I’ve received updated information and photographs of the three big cats living in Nevada:
Hi Kristina,

Boomer balls would be great. The other tigers love theirs and I imagine Kovu, Ifaw and Lulu would love a boomer ball too. Kovu currently is destroying pumpkins, burlap bags and anything he can get his paws on so something sturdier would be good

Hi Kristina,
Those pictures are from a couple of days after they got here. Both Kovu and Ifaw had cage rub when they arrived, but hair is already growing back in.

Hi Kristina,
They are all doing very well. Ifaw and Kovu have two supplemental heat lamps installed within protective fencing inside their dens to be sure they are warm enough for our northern Nevada winters. Just for fun - I've attached one of the pictures of Kovu with the pumpkins we introduced.

HI Kristina,
 Lulu is doing great! She is quite vocal about getting staff to her for attention - she is a very sweet cat. We are a small sanctuary with 3 to 4 interns that live on site so everyone gets quite a bit of attention. She is however, running off with her water bowls, averaging several a day until we go in and retrieve them - so I think a few more toys will help. She too liked her pumpkins. I will be sure to let you know how she is doing but you are more than welcome to email anytime. If you ever happen to travel this way, it would be great if you can find the time to visit.  
Hi Kristina,

Thanks for the great enrichment tips for Lulu - I will pass them on to our interns as we keep records of likes/dislikes. We will be constructing a newer 10,000 sq-ft enclosure for Lulu early in 2011 (as soon as the winter breaks) and will be sure to include a pool for her.

I'll also try giving her one of those big paper leaf bags with something fun in it. We also give them those large burlap bags stuffed with straw and meat treats and then sealed. Most stuff them in their dens.

I'm sure you must really miss them all - I am very sorry. I know how I would feel. But that's an open invitation to visit whenever it works in the future for you.

I believe if these beautiful animals had not moved when they did, they may not be with us today.  So I am very happy Lulu, Ifaw, and Kovu moved to Nevada and I pray they get lots of new toys in the future.  If anyone would like to contribute enrichment presents to the animals, you can always purchase the items on-line and have it mailed directly to the animals.  For more information regarding the sanctuary, you can visit them at

I am so relieved this sanctuary understands how much I miss the animals and I really appreciate their willingness to continue to sharing the tiger and lions’ daily events with me. I know over time I’ll be asking less and less about their activities—that’s just human nature to eventually move on—but right now I just have to make sure they are going to be fine—I can start letting go…tomorrow.

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