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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Barbary and Stumptailed Macaques Relocate to Mindy's Memory!

From: Linda Barcklay []
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 3:13 PM
To: Kristina Brunner
Subject: Re: WAO Barbary Macaques


We took in Cinnamon and her son, Jethro. They have adjusted fairly well, Jethro is not consistent in his kindness to his Mom-she came with huge scars and one half healed wound to her back. These have since healed (one was a scar and healed already)-the other is healed and just a scar remains. We were informed Jethro was the culprit but was hard to believe he would attack his Mother so viciously. Saw for ourselves today he can and did. Not a bad bite but drew blood. He is not predictable with her. I am going to try and separate them and allow Jethro to co habitat with an unrelated female we have named Sunshine.Cinnamon will be divided by wire so she can still see them but be safe from any more wounds. We have pictures somewhere in our computer files. I will mention to staff to get them to you. Video is difficult as the two go to the extreme back of their habitat when a camera of any sort is brought out.

We have also four stump tail macaques from WAO. Madonna, Pike, Solo and Juvvy. They are doing magnificently together.They really appreciate the fresh fruits and Veggies they receive daily and of course monkey chow and peanut browse. We have some video of them too I believe.

Thank you for asking about the primates. Thank you for your hard work for their welfare too. I can relate to that.....

Best wishes,

Linda Barcklay Founder/Director

Today, I received pictures of the macaques from Beth (thank you Beth!).  I've requested a picture of Jethro and an update on Cinnamon in my return communiqué.  I think the picture of Cinnamon shown below may be of her when she first arrived at Mindy's Memory, but I am not sure.  In any case, it breaks my heart that Jethro would hurt his mother in such a manner.  Ever since Jethro's father died, I noticed, before I was asked to leave in May 2010, that Jethro was acting very aggressive, almost shaking his enclosure a part on one particular visit.  I just pray Cinnamon is doing much better today.  She looks so different than how I remembered - May God Bless her speedy recovery -

Cinnamon - Barbary Macaque

Juvey - Stumptailed Macaque - University of Wisconsin Troop

Madonna - Stumptailed Macaque - University of Wisconsin Troop

Pike - Stumptailed Macaque - University of Wisconsin Troop

Solo - Stumptailed Macaque - University of Wisconsin Troop

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