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Monday, April 18, 2011

Documents from the OAG Received Last Week

On March 6, 2011, I requested documents pertaining to the WAO case by way of the Public Information Act. I paid $130.52 on March 22, 2011 and I finally received my requested records last week.  I was told there were about 690 requested pages, hence the high cost of printing and shipping.

I spent hours going through the documents, and lo and behold, I discovered almost half of the records were duplicates!  I was charged for duplicate records!  The OAG ripped me off -- can you believe it?!

So earlier today, I sent the public relations officer an email, advising him of the duplication error, and I advised him since the OAG has so much trouble sending me documents covering a six month time span, I've decided to submit my requests every two months.  Perhaps, with less document coping, I will not be over charged once again!

For the most part, I already knew or had copies of the information sent to me as part of the open records request.  Don't get me wrong, there were some documents I found of interest, which I plan to share with you, that answered many of my questions.  The documents will be posted in date order so as to give you an idea of what is going on with the WAO case.

First, let's take a look at what appears to be the WAO's last CIDs submitted by the Texas OAG/Charitable Trust Division in May 2010:

Wao May 2010 CIDs

You have got to love Cryer's excuse as to why she was unable to pull financial information from the WAO's computer.  Essentially saying she has no idea how to operate Quickbooks (I guess reading the manual would have been out of the question), and that Kim Myer is the only one in charge of the "books."  If I remember correctly, didn't Myers have problems learning Quickbooks too?  So, the WAO essentially has two people inexperience in financial management running the WAO.  Scary.  Very scary.

Next, let's look at the reason why Suzanne Straw and Chris Smith quit the WAO's board of directors:

Suzanne L. Straw's Resignation Letter

Chris Smith's Resignation Letter

Very interesting.  So Cryer never told Straw what really happened at the WAO before she became a board director?  I'm shocked.  Full disclosure should have been made at the beginning of Straw's tenure with the WAO BOD, considering the seriousness of the situation.  What was Cryer trying to hide from Straw?  Surely, Cryer must of known Straw would learn the truth?

And the government "threatened" the board directors that they could lose everything if "things didn't go as they deemed correct?"  USDA did that?  Not OAG?  Not IRS?  Hmmm.

I guess when you are desperate for board directors, you'll recommend anyone to sit on the board:

No More Board

Oh heck, since Jamie is already the WAO's Sanctuary Director, why not put him on the board of director?  And while they are at it, why not let them throw on a few other family members as well?  After all, this entire board was a joke from the start, right?

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