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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Accounting Problems at WAO - March 2011 Operations Report Filed

Finally, the now defunct WAO posted its March operations report with the bankruptcy court.  And as ususal, Kim Myer, the WAO's bookkeeper did another "cracker jack" job in compling the monthly expenditure report:

Bankruptcy Court - Small Business Monthly Operating Budget - March 2011

Can someone please explain to me why Myers, who is in charge of payroll, cannot complete this report correctly?  For instance, page 1 shows five entries where Myers has no idea who the checks were written out to, but she identifies them all as "payroll" checks.  Hmmm.  Interesting.

On page 2, there are two more checks written without payees or check purpose!  Take a look -- checks #1110 and #1152 both are missing important information, like who the checks were made out to and why. 

The March report was sent to the Bankruptcy Court on April 22, 2011, so there is no excuse, once again, not have a complete and accurate report submitted to the court.  So, this still leaves me wondering, whatever happened to the missing money totaling $270.69? 

Good news, Walgreen and gas purchases are down this month.  Oh, and the primates received a little bit of produce too.  I'm willing to bet only the chimps received the produce since so little of it was purchased this month. 

Again, I have the usual gripes, why are the animals paying for the office's coffee and cream?  If the workers want to drink coffee, shouldn't they bring their own in or start a coffee fund paid for by the workers that actually drink the coffee?

And what's this about paying for the worker's drinking water?  If they don't like the well water, then why can't they bring in their own water cooler each day?

Then there are the chimp snacks, no doubt purchased by Cryer so she can give them out each week to the chimps (juice boxes, dum dums, cookies, etc) listed on this month's report.  First of all, what about all the other animals?  Where are their "enrichment" items, hmmm?  Don't the 100+ monkeys deserve "snacks" too?  And the tigers?  Lion?  Wolfdogs?  Feral cats?  And why doesn't the WAO purchase healthy snacks for the chimps instead of all the sugary stuff?

And I just noticed, no cat food was purchased. this month  Just dog food.  What's up with that?  What happened to the 20+ feral cats living on the property?

Interesting enough, there was only one vet bill listed in the amount of $418.86 on the March report and a second vet hospital entry made where gloves and animal medication were purchased.  This confirms my belief the WAO does not pay for a regular vet to come out and treat all the animals on a regular basis.  Many of the WAO animals were either sick or injured when I left.  I have a hard time believing there were no additional illnesses or injuries in the last several months.  So, is Mary and Michelle Reininger treating animals without a vet license again?  Or are the animals just left to "fend for themselves" once more?

Well, it looks like for the month of March, IFAW contributed $18,100 towards the anmals' care.  Donation checks deposited this month brought in $23,202.75 and based on the low amounts received towards the end of the month, I'd say next month's report will show less monies contributed by private donors.  This does not bode well for the animals, especially since IFAW only wants to "loan" the WAO $5k per month starting whenever the court agrees with this latest expediture idea.

As in all the previous months, no tax returns have been filed with the IRS, nor do I expect to see any tax forms filed by Cryer.  I guess the one "unexpected" expense this month was repairs on the Talley Road meat freezer--although it should not have been unexpected since the freezer breaks down every year, especially as the weather gets hotter. 

Yippee - the USDA renewed the WAO's exhibitor's license, but thus far has not inspected the property.   Gee, I wonder why.  But you can be sure, the paperwork will be in order!

Oh, and the attorney representing the WAO during the bankruptcy process was not paid in March.  Oh joy. 

But hey, at least the chimps got their dum dums and juice boxes this month -- now I'd say that's quite an accomplishment, would you?

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