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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is There Compassion for People Out There Any More?

On April 6, 2011, Carolina Tiger Rescue posted pictures and status of Titan, one of the WAO's former tigers, on its Facebook page.  There was talk that Titan might lose his leg very soon.

Since that date, I have sent several emails to CTR requesting and update on poor Titan and thus far I have been completely ignored.

Now I find this strange since the curator, Kathryn Bertok, wrote me in a previous email regarding the death of Java, a former WAO tiger, that I could contact her anytime if I have questions.  I guess that wasn't exactly true after all.

Anyway, here is my latest email to Carolina Tiger Rescue:

From: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 12:37 PM
To: Kathryn Bertok
Subject: Re: Titan's Healh Issues


I am not sure if you are receiving my emails or not, so I thought I'd try again.

If you could assistant me with my questions below, I'd greatly appreciated.

In your last email, you indicated I could contact you with questions. If this has changed, could you please let me know and I'll will discontinue the follow-ups to my original request (April 7, 2011).

Thank you.

Kristina Brunner
So what is a person to do if one cannot get an answer to a very important question?  One turns to the CTR Facebook page for an update on Titan (will his leg be aputated?) :
Kristal Roebuck

How is Titan Tiger doing?
April 20 at 1:00pm 
Carolina Tiger Rescue      Kristal- Titan is more active than before, but staff feel this is more because he's been separated from Bali, not from declining pain. They have decided to evaluate him a little longer before risking an amputation.  April 22 at 8:46am
You know, I learn more from Facebook about the former WAO animals than from any other source. 

Sadly, many sanctuaries do not bother to respond to animal update requests, simply because it takes too much time out of their "busy schedule."  Instead of cultivating relationships with those who loved and knew the animals for years, these sanctuaries choose to slam the door on former animal caretakers, hanging out the proverbial "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door knob.  I guess it never occurred to these sanctuaries that previous animal caretakers, like myself, can provide valuable insight on their "new" animals and may even be willing to help fund raise donations or in-kind gifts for the animals.  It's all about networking, baby.

Anyway, Caroline Tiger Rescue is not the only sanctuary that feels it does not need to provide any information on its animals to the public.  I'm still waiting for the promised video of Lulu, IFAW, and Kovu from Safe Haven Rescue Zoo and a monkey picture from Jungle Friends.  And don't even get me started on the Wild Animal Sanctuary and Wild Cat Sanctuary.

Making a donation doesn't seem to help either, for once the sanctuaries received my donations, suddenly I am no longer welcome to contact the sanctuary. 

I mean, really ladies, if you have time to post cutesy pictures and videos on Facebook then surely you have five minutes to respond to an email and attach a few pictures.  Show some compassion for a change and act like a caring human being -- there are those of us who suffered a terrible loss when the animals were relocated to your facility resulting in your wonderful gain.


I found this posting on Facebook today:
Mark Hernandez  Carolina Tiger Rescue

How is Titan doing this week?

April 26, 2011 · 

Carolina Tiger Rescue  - pretty much the same Mark... in other animal news, Magoo Ocelot and Trapper Ocelot have swapped habitats! Tristan Binturong is still scratchy despite all the various attempts to help, including the most recent- calendula oil. Bali is a little lonely without Titan, and more "animals with eggs" photos tomorrow to celebrate the spring!
Whoa!  "pretty much the same...?"  What does that mean?  And notice how CTR immediately changed the subject?  What in the world is going on with Titan?

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