Last Action: 04/27/2011 H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption Version: House Committee Report
Caption Text: Relating to the regulation of dangerous wild animals.
Author: Larson
Subjects: Animals (I0035)
House Committee: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Status: Out of committee
Vote: Ayes=6 Nays=0 Present Not Voting=0 Absent=3
H Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar 04/27/2011
H Committee report distributed 04/26/2011 05:40 PM
H Comte report filed with Committee Coordinator 04/26/2011
H Reported favorably as substituted 04/18/2011
H Recommended to be sent to Local & Consent 04/18/2011
H Committee substitute considered in committee 04/18/2011
H Considered in formal meeting 04/18/2011
H Left pending in committee 04/13/2011
H Testimony taken/registration(s) recorded in committee 04/13/2011
H Committee substitute considered in committee 04/13/2011
H Considered in public hearing 04/13/2011
H Scheduled for public hearing on . . . 04/13/2011 595
H Referred to Culture, Recreation & Tourism 595 03/02/2011 595
From: Emily EpprightBelow is the Bad Bill that was approved out of Committee:
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 8:32:09 AM
Subject: RE: HB 1546
Hi Kristina,
The bill as amended and passed out of committee (attached) includes the following changes from the original:
· Provides a more comprehensive definition of "wildlife sanctuary;"
· Narrows exemptions related to veterinary and rehabilitation care;
· Requires accreditation by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries or a successor organization, or an accredited member of the Zoological Association of America.
Rep. Larson has requested an additional amendment that would allow an organization accredited with the American Sanctuary Association to be exempted from the Act. This amendment will be presented on the House Floor. Please let me know if you have any other concerns.
Thank you,
Emily Eppright
Legislative Director
Office of State Representative Lyle Larson
E2.816 o) 512.463.0646 f) 512.463.0893
CSHB 1546 by Larson[1]
Should be interesting to learn whether or not Rep. Larson will keep his word and propose yet another amendment to this Bad Bill to include ASA when it reaches the floor.
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