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Monday, April 4, 2011

Does Anyone Know How Lulu, Kovu, and Ifaw are Doing?

Last year, Safe Haven Zoo promised to send me the video showing Lulu and the boys (Kovu and Ifaw) enjoying their new balls.  Back then, I was told there was problems downloading the video camera.

Months later I sent this email:

From: Kristina BrunnerGreetings Safe Haven Rescue Zoo!
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 8:18 AM
To: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
Subject: How are Kovu, IFAW, and Lulu doing?

Just checking in to see how Lulu, Kovu, and IFAW are doing? Are they still enjoying their boomer balls?

We've had some nice weather here recently and I'm hoping that you and yours are enjoying warmer weather too. Love to see any new pics you might have of the three cats and to read any updates on the cats' progress that you'd like to share.
I understand Lulu's new home is under construction.... I can't wait to see her in her in the new habitat. She is such a sweet cat and she really deserves the new home you are building for her.

By chance, were you ever able to retreive the video from the camera showing Lulu and the boys playing with their boomer balls back in November 2010? If so, could you shoot me a copy? I miss seeing the cats in action!

Again, thanks for giving the cats a forever home -

Kindest Regards,

I received this response a week later:

From: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 5:48:54 PM
Subject: RE: How are Kovu, IFAW, and Lulu doing?

Hi Kristina,

Did you get the last e-mail update from us? I will try to get you that video and some pictures.



My timely response:

From: Kristina Brunner Greetings Lynda:
To: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
Sent: Fri, March 18, 2011 11:30:18 AM
Subject: Re: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

I just received the newsletter and Kovu and Lulu look adorable! How is IFAW (lion) doing? Is he still having a "ball" with his toy?

If the video was sent recently, then unfortunately it did not make it to me...Can't wait to see the animals in action!

Many thanks for the photo update!

Kind Regards,

Well, it's been almost a month since I first sent my request and during that time I’ve sent Safe Haven two additional reminders, I guess I’m going to give up on the idea of ever receiving a response from this facility. No video as promised last year. Makes me wonder what happened to the Lulu and the boys. Are they okay? I think it's wrong to dangle a "carrot" and then yank it back without even giving me a response to my three emails; especially since I miss Lulu very much and worked so hard to save her (as I told Lynda last year). I didn't know Ifaw or Kovu very well, as they lived at Talley Road, never the less though, I would like to know how the boys are doing.

Since Safe Haven does not post videos or photos regularly to its website or Facebook page as many of the other sanctuaries do from time to time, I have to wonder what is going on there. I had high hopes for the Safe Haven Zoo in the beginning, and now I am left to wonder what kind of place were the animals sent to?

Here is the last email sent which I never received a reply to:

From: Kristina Brunner
To: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
Sent: Fri, April 1, 2011 9:46:14 AM
Subject: Re: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo Video Request

I am not sure if my emails are going through or not. Could you let me know if you are receiving my emails and if so, whether or not you plan to send the video/pictures?

I really hate to continue sending these follow-up messages if you have changed your mind. Thank you.


 I pray Lulu, Ifaw, and Kovo are still okay. I just wish I knew how they were doing...


Hot dog!  I finally received a response from Safe Haven Rescue Zoo...

From: Lynda Sugasa

To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Tue, April 5, 2011 1:10:05 PM
Subject: Re: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo Video Request

My name is Tom Bergstrom I am one of the interns here at Safe Haven. Our winter interns are just finishing up their 6 months and the new spring interns are just starting to arrive so we have not been checking the email regularly, sorry about that. Here are a few attached pictures that I could find of Kovu and Ifaw. They are both very happy and enjoying the good weather that we are having. As for Lulu I could not find any pictures of her in her temporary enclosure, but she is doing well and her new enclosure is about a two weeks (weather pending) from being finished.
The three pictures sent were of Kovo...he's looking good!

I pray Lulu and Ifaw are doing well today!

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