No printing or copying pictures

Friday, October 29, 2010

Shocked Beyond Words

As if finding Lakota's death notice on Facebook wasn't shock enough for me..

I am at a complete loss for words...those who know me, know exactly why I am freaked out by the video.

Then there were these photos found on the sanctuary's Facebook page:

Not a WAO animal

Jungle Boogie was a roaring success! ...
WAO tiger - Zeus
Zeus enjoys his morning paiting session before the big art auction at Jungle Boogie this weekend.

I am completely against any animal exploitation for commercial purposes...
Caracals never wore face masks in the wild...
Tigers never painted in the wild....

I don't know what to think at this point.
What happened to wild cats living like wild cats?

And now I learn that by next week, T'Savo, Kira, and Layla will relocate to Wildcat Sanctuary.

Here is the impending arrival notice posted on the Wildcat Sanctuary website:

The Wildcat Sanctuary will be accepting an additional three cats in early November from the Wild Animal Orphanage in Texas.

Kita, a tiger, and Tsavo, a lion, were originally rescued from a garage in Michigan. They both have had issues with ataxic hind quarters due to nutritional deficiencies. Layla a tiger lives a lone and is disengaged.

The situation for these animals is dire. It is a do or die situation for the animals and they have to be moved before Thanksgiving. We need your help today!

Your donation will go towards: Heated dens at $500 each, transportation estimated $2,000, and permanent habitats estimated $45,000 for all. Here at The Wildcat Sanctuary it is our mission to give the animals the best quality of life we can provide. Any donation big or small will go towards that care and compassion.

Our need for donations have dramatically increased. We went from two resident tigers to six in a very short time increasing our food and housing needs.

Our small sanctuary can make a big difference with your help. Please donate today to help rescue the Texas Tigers.

According to the Wildcat video posted on their YouTube channel, the animals enclosures will not be built until Spring.  So the question is, where are they going to live on the property? 

As to Layla - my poor baby must be very depressed because she can no longer be with her very long time companion, Lance.  I'm sure the entire WAO closure has many of the animals feeling on edge or depressed.  I just pray the three big cats make it through the cold Minnosota winter.

What A Way to Learn Some Very Sad News - Lakota's Passing

Wildcat Sanctuary's director, Tammy Theis, knew how much I loved and fought for the WAO animals, so I guess I'd hoped that if anything happened to one of the WAO animals placed at the Wildcat Sanctuary, she would let me know before I leaned about the animals' passing through an outside source.

I am very sad to report Wildcat Sanctuary euthanized Lakota today.  Here is the information placed on the sanctuary's Facebook page:

Sweet Dreams Dear Lakota - Lakota, a 15-year-old bobcat recently arrived from a Texas facility that was closing down. He was a very calm cat in a body that had many problems. Lakota was blind and deaf but still was a happy cat who loved his enclosure mate Salem. When he arrived, he would circle on occasion – a sign of a neurological issue but still enjoyed naps with Salem, the outdoors and his fire hose hammock. Recently, he began to circle more frequently and became very disoriented. We tried a few treatments and supplements but nothing helped and it wasn’t fair for Lakota to live in a body with a brain that no longer worked the way it should. He was with us such a short time and was already loved by so many, including Salem. We are sad his stay with us was so short but so happy we were able to give him the gift of a free spirit when it was needed. Whenever a new cat arrives at the Sanctuary, it feels they have been part of our family forever, no matter if they have been with us only a few months. Their passing is just as difficult. Lakota, you were loved by so many and you will never be forgotten.

I would need to see the necropsy report on Lakota, to see exactly what caused his disorientation, before I commented on the Tammy Theis decision to euthanize Lakota.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Another Lawsuit Against the WAO

According to the Page's Printer invoice dated September 18, 2009, the WAO owed $44,849.95.  This was the balance that was left behind after the Asvestas' left the WAO. 
Page's Printing Lawsuit

What is interesting to note is that the woman suing the WAO happens to be good friends ofCarol Asvestas.  After all, why would any business woman allow the Asvestas' to run up such high printing tabs unless she thought her friend would pay her back (possibly with interest)?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Persona Non Grata Flying Solo

A friend of mine suggested recently I should not be so hard on employees associated with organizations such as IFAW, SPCA, Humane Society, government agencies, and so forth.  I was asked to seriously consider revising my position regarding these people because I could hurt the animal rescue community by giving certain people a "black eye."

Okay, I gave it my two-second serious consideration, then decided I would not change my position regarding the above referenced organizations.   

Why?  Simple -- several individuals from large animal rescue and welfare groups turned their backs on the WAO when I first told them what was happening to the animals four years ago.  Instead of conducting an impartial investigation into the allegations brought forth to these organizations, the individuals I contacted elected to take the "word" of Carol Asvestas over proof of violations of the AWA and misappropriation of funds.  These people lapped up Carol Asvestas' description of me as a drug-user disgruntled ex-employee hell bent on destroying the Orphanage, without one shred of proof provided to them (refer to June 6-9 posting in the BB Notebook).  I even heard they laughed at me behind my back, making jokes about my supposed last day at the WAO  (December 17, 2005).

If the people I contacted had just opened their eyes to the conditions the animals were forced to live in for years, then perhaps many, many lives could have been saved.

Now that everyone I contacted has "egg" on their faces, I noticed no one is stepping forward to accept responsibility for failing WAO animals.  All those people out there that believed the lies that Carol told them about me being a crazed-drug user owes me and the WAO animals a HUGE apology for dismissing the WAO case out of hand without even doing the most basic research into the allegations made against the WAO's board of directors.

Today, I am still treated as the "enemy" by the animal world camp for exposing their hypocrisy.  So much for protecting the whistle blower, huh?  No wonder it's easier to walk away from a disaster rather than take a stand and make a difference in the lives of animals! 

But I can live with that -- after all, I would never want to be part of an organization that condoned the WAO's directors activities for years, despite all the evidence around them that the animals were in danger and hundreds of lives were lost over such a small period of time.

So no, I plan to continue putting pressure on animal rescue/welfare groups and certain government agencies who had a fiduciary responsibility to investigate animal abuse and misappropriation of funds charges and failed to do so.  All these groups need to come forth, accept their responsibility and role in the WAO disaster, and say with one collective voice "We are sorry for not defending the WAO animals and the public from the WAO's board of director's actions.  We really screwed up this case."

Will this ever happen?  No.  After all, this case has never been about the animals; this case has been about money.  And there is no money made admitting mistakes to the public.

I am sure when this blog goes public, I will become a persona non grata in the animal world.  My time helping the animals will come to an end.

So, I've decide to follow a new path.  Plant rescue. 

Yep, that's the ticket.  I can work solo, saving one plant at a time, making this world a much better place to live in.  And yes, I will still help the animals in my neighborhood.  I just won't align myself with a group or organization.  I will be flying solo from here on out!

The Word Is Out!

Well, it appears the director of Wildcat Sanctuary has been talking about me with other sanctuary directors!

I did not contact one particular sanctuary, Safe Haven Rescue Zoo, because after seeing the video of the Lulu, Kovo, and IFAW's new enclosures, I felt disheartened.  Their new homes look so stark and barren in comparison to the other sanctuaries' enclosures.  The former WAO animals deserve homes with lots of enrichment items to enjoy and large built structures to climb, so I thought I would give the sanctuary more time to raise funds so they could purchase "toys" for the animals.

What I did not expect was Safe Haven contacting ME via email:

From: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:56 PM
Subject: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

Dear Brunner,

I understand you would like more information about what we do here at Safe Haven. Below you will find the most recent letter sent out to our donors. You can also find more information about us at our website above and our facebook page.
She addressed me as "Brunner?"  Really?   I had no idea we were on a last name only basis!  My response:

To: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

Actually, what I was looking for were "success" photographs of the WAO animals living in their new homes. It is my understanding Safe Haven took in Lulu, Kovu, and IFAW. If you have any photographs showing the tiger and lions enjoying their new home, I would love to see them. Thank you -


Kristina Brunner
Now I wait for a response.  In the meantime, I still have not received a response to my 2nd request for photographs from Wildcat Haven.  The director is flat out ignoring my requests for photos of the caracal and serval.  I am very disappointment because Carrie and Sebastian were very special cats to me and I'd hope they went to a top-notched facility.  I guess now I will never know how they are adjusting to their new climate.  Again, I say -- where is the transparency?  I pray this place is NOT like the WAO.  But since it is not transparent, how will I ever know for sure?

Next day:  I got a response! Below is the email I received from the sanctuary with pictures attached!  We are no longer on a last name basis! 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 1:49:20 PM
Subject: RE: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

Kristina Brunner,

Sorry about that, your request got lost in translation. Attached are some photos of the lions and lulu. Also there is a video posted on youtube that shows the move and their reactions to their new enclosures also you can visit us at our facebook page where other videos, news and pictures are posted!/pages/Safe-Haven-Rescue-Zoo/110108762354492 . Thank you for your interest.

Quincy Sweeney

IFAW collecting pumpkins
Lulu - posing pretty
IFAW - I'm ready! Let me out!
Lulu - what's in box #2?
Lulu - hurry and take the picture, will ya?
 Kovu - so handsome

IFAW & Kovu - brotherly love

While I wish the big cats had more enrichment items in their enclosures, I realize this may have to come later as Safe Haven is currently raising funds to care for the former WAO animals.  I am grateful the cats have a safe home and food in their bellies.  They also appear to have a lot of running space, so I hope the lions take the opportunity to run and play with one another.  Perhaps some day Lulu will have a special friend to keep her company in her new enclosure.  In the meantime, it looks like everyone is enjoying their fall pumpkins.  I sure miss Lulu, as I spent a lot of time with her each week.  She loved to play hide and seek with me and she especially loved to play with the water hose.  She was such a curious tiger, always trying to put her paws onto things that did not belong to her -- she was such a character!

Even though I spent very little time with IFAW and Kovu (they lived at Talley Road), I am so glad they have a lot more open space than they did at their fomer home in San Antonio.  Their former cage was so tiny for such two large lions.  I'm just concerned they do not have enough enrichment items to play with on a daily basis.

Rumors Abound

Okay, the latest rumor is, when Ian Robinson (IFAW vet) was in San Antonio helping the WAO animals, his vehicle was hit by another vehicle, seriously injuring Ian.

I heard Dawn, his wife, flew down to San Antonio to help her husband home.  Apparently, Dawn had to rent a vehicle to drive Ian back home as he was unable to fly (I'm thinking body cast?).  Since Ian's departure, I've learned the meat and produce coordination came to a grinding halt.  Makes me wonder who filled Ian's shoes -- the WAO Board?  Yeah, right.

It is unknown when Ian or Dawn will be able to come back to San Antonio to help the animals still living at the WAO, assuming of course this rumor is true.  I was unable to find this story on the Internet, but I trust my sources, and so I'm reasonable confident this rumor is true.

I also learned more WAO big cats left the WAO this week, to parts unknown.  I guess I will have to wait until next year to discover where and when the animals left San Antonio.

And here is a special note - I heard Jenny Spellman and Mike Dereadt, WAO animal caretakers, tied the knot a couple of days ago.  Ahhhh....  should be interesting to see how long this marriage shall last considering they only dated for about six months.  Says a lot about the groom considering Mike and Terry Minchew were living together for years (up until January 2010) and never married!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cat Pictures from Wild Cat Sanctuary!

Today I received the following photographs from Wildcat Santuary:

Ekaterina (l) and Sierra (r) checking out their
Halloween ornaments

You can barely see Ekaterina in the back

 Ekaterina taking a stroll

Sierra taking a stroll

 Zeus looking up the phone number for the nearest
meat market in the phone book

One of the WAO bobcats taking a nap

WAO bobcats taking a stroll

Hey, I said no pictures, please!

Zeus, posing for the camera

 ...and here he is looking adorable!

I really miss these guys!

Audit - Controls Over USDA APHIS Licensing of Animal Exhibitors

This audit report was sent to me recently.  It supports my concern that there is very little consistency when it comes to inspecting licensed exhibitors. 

When someone tells me "so and so" sanctuary does not have any write-ups on file with the USDA/APHIS, I now reply that he or she should not use APHIS' inspection reports as a barometer in determining quality sanctuaries.  Based on my experience for the last 4.5 years, I have come to see the USDA/APHIS inspection reports as a joke.  

Discrepancy items filed this year against the WAO should have also been filed in past inspection reports.  But, for whatever reason, the discrepancy items were left off the official reports.  Go figure.

The same concerns I presented to the USDA years ago are now being identified in the inspection reports today.  Why did it take so long for the USDA to finally do its job?  Where is the consistency?  The USDA, like several other governmental agencies, were laxed in pursuing the WAO case.  Now look at the result -- what a disaster.


USDA Inspector Files Whistleblower Complaint with OSC
January 5, 2005 
Richard Botelho Jr, Animal Care Inspector for the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal Plant Heath Inspection Service, Animal Care agency, has filed a whistle blower complaint against USDA with the US government "Office of Special Counsel," dated January 4, 2005. As an animal care inspector and citizen of the United States, Richard Botelho Jr, believes the public needs to be aware of the prohibited practices by the Animal Care's management at the eastern regional office. The OSC whistle blower complaint alleges multiple violations of federal regulations and law, gross mismanagement and waste of funds at Animal Care's eastern regional office in Raleigh, NC.  
The Animal Care agency is responsible for enforcing the Animal Welfare Act, which is federal legislation that ensures the humane care and treatment of certain warm blooded and exotic/wild animals. Animal Care conducts routine inspections at facilities that use regulated animals in research, exhibited to the public, sold wholesale and retail and transported. Licensed facilities would include but are not limited to zoos, circuses, wholesale dog / cat breeders, exhibitors, exotic / wild animal dealers and exhibitors to include transporters. Animal Care's Mission Statement: AC provides leadership in establishing acceptable standards of humane animal care and treatment and to monitor and achieve compliance with the Animal Welfare Act through inspections, education, and cooperative efforts. Unfortunately, records show in the last several years Animal Care in the eastern region has failed to use enforcement to achieve compliance.  
This lack of enforcement has caused more prolonged health and welfare problems for animals that AC isrequired to protect by the federal Animal Welfare Act. The lack of enforcement has also caused more incidents with potentially dangerous animals and the public. Animal Care in the eastern region is failing to enforce the Animal Welfare Act, which is endangering the animals we are responsible to protect to ensure adequate care and treatment. Failing to enforce the minimum standards and regulations of the AWA, has harmful risks to the animals and to the public. Potentially dangerous animal are being allowed to be exhibited to the public without direct control of a handler(s), sufficient distance or barrier between the animals and the public.  
The OSC complaint states the Eastern Regional Office allows licensee's with a history of repeat noncompliance's to operate without any legal action against such licensees. Evidence shows that Animal Care paid consultation fees to a licensee to consult with a facility which had a history of repeat noncompliance's. Repeat violators of the AWA are seldom given warnings. When legal action is taken against violators, only a fraction of the proposed fine is given by a stipulation agreement. The licensee does not have to admit to the history of repeated violations when they accept a stipulation agreement.. Even when the investigation shows the licensee has repeatedly violated the AWA, which affected the health and welfare of the animals and or public, Animal Care issues a warning or small stipulation. Facilities often accept these stipulations and continue to violate the AWA minimum standards and regulations year after year, stating it's just the cost of doing business. Even after facilities pay multiple stipulations they continue to violate the AWA without any further action by Animal Care. USDA licenses are rarely revoked and commonly renewed, even when facilities have a history multiple repeat violations and not in compliance. Research facilities pay thousands of dollars in stipulations which usually cost the taxpayers, because the research with animals is mainly funded by the US government.  
Inspectors request warning letters and investigations for repeat violators of the AWA from Animal Care management, never to receive such requests, and without any reply to the inspector. There are several lawsuits against Animal Care from animal welfare groups for allegedly failing to enforce the Animal Welfare Act, which may cost the taxpayers thousand of dollars in attorney and settlement fees. The eastern regional office has issued far less warning letters and stipulations than the western regional office. Recently there was an audit by USDA, Office of Inspector General of the eastern regional office, due to the lack of enforcement issued to facilities. This audit should now be available by FOIA.  
The whistle blower complaint states the eastern regional office superiors hire inspectors in areas which are fully staffed. Inspectors with a lack of facilities and work are often sent to other inspectors facilities and paid for travel and lodging. Yet, other inspectors, with over a hundred facilities more than other inspectors, which have not inspected facilities for several years, are not given additional inspectors for their territories.  
The OSC complaint states Inspectors are often approved to visit other cities and states, just to visit relatives or site see, as long as they conduct inspections in that requested territory. These visits are paid by Animal Care, the taxpayers dollars. In most circumstances the inspector assigned to that territory has never requested any additional help from his or her superior.  
The whistle blower complaint states the eastern regional office of Animal Care purchases laptop computers, digital cameras, and other equipment when the current inventory are in excellent working condition. Unnecessary purchases are made before the end of the fiscal year to spend what monies are left in Animal Care's budget.  
The OSC complaint states inspectors were verbally reprimanded and their complaints not heard by Animal Care management when they refused to join coworkers at a training course at Plum Island, New York, where animals were given a variety of diseases without pain management before their death. Animal Care enforces pain management at research facilities, however USDA fails to follow such standards during its own training programs.  
The whistle blower complaint states an inspector alleges that Animal Care management gave direct orders to an inspector to expunge files which were FOIA from a federal agency due to an investigation of a human death at a research facility. Other requested records from USDA, FOIA, have taken over 2 years and requesters still have not received the FOIA nor the reason for the delay.  
Inspector Botelho has been inspecting facilities for nearly 5 years in SW Florida. He has conducted an astounding number of inspection, nearly 1000 inspections which have uncovered over 200 persons operating without a USDA license, some for many years. He has been given all successful evaluations each year, has no prior discipline, and has an exceptional sick leave record.  
Unfortunately, since Animal Care inspector Botelho has complained about the gross mismanagement in the last several years and filed numerous complaints against his supervisor and Director of the eastern regional office, he has been retaliated against recently to include one 14 day suspension unpaid for alleged improper conduct. 
Five days after serving his first suspension, he was issued a proposed 14 day suspension unpaid for alleged improper conduct. The improper conduct Director for investigations division for RMSES, stated inspector Botelho used profanity during a telephone conversation. The telephone conversation was a complaint by inspector Botelho due to RMSES investigators calling his home during late hours, harassing his family and waking his children.. Inspector Botelho's first suspension states that he had 5 complaints against him for alleged inappropriate conduct from USDA licensees who have repeatedly violated the Animal Welfare Act and was issued either warning or stipulations. It appears that 5 complaints, which were here say, out of 1000 inspections is a very high percentage by Animal Care standards.The eastern regional office Director has not disciplined inspectors with greater number of complaints initiated against them, to include Ethics violations (conflict of interest accepting gifts from licensees) AC management does not support their inspectors, but supports high profile licensees when complaints are initiated against them, especially if such facilities threaten lawsuits against the agency. 
There is a complaint procedure for licensees, however none for inspectors who often learn of complaints during an internal investigations or suspensions. Management has unlimited funds for legal fees. Yes, their USDA attorney is provided free of charge for their gross mismanagement at the cost of the tax payers. 
There is seldom any accountability when government superiors are found guilty of discrimination or retaliation, except for future promotions. There is a free in-house grievance procedure for Animal Care employees, but it is evident that the decision would not be UN-bias, due to being made by the USDA administrator. Inspector Botleho has hired an out of state employment attorney in the last several months, which he has since paid over thousands of dollars in legal funds. It has been over two years since inspector Botelho filed initial complaints against USDA, APHIS, Animal Care. The US government being back logged with complaints and lack of staff has yet to set a hearing with a federal judge at the EEOC.  
Congress needs to help federal employees do their job with dignity and respect, allowing them to file complaints in a timely and cost effective manner. Help is greatly needed for employees who file complaints against their superiors, due to the cost and time it takes for employees to receive their justice. Federal managers are allowed to issue discipline without pay and state that employees are guilty before employees can prove their innocence, costing thousands of dollars to them and their families. Most employees in inspector Botelho's situation give into management and drop their complaint because of retaliation and the lack of funds for legal representation. Since inspectors fear complaints against them and do not get support from the management, most end up picking their battles at certain facilities, turning their heads from citing enforcement resulting in poor work ethics. Other federal employees are given ultimatums to resign or be fired. Federal managers need to be accountable for their gross mismanagement. History shows that employees who file whistle blowers eventually will be wrongfully terminated, hopefully history don't repeat itself for inspector Botelho and congress will make some serious much needed changes in current federal regulations and laws.  
Before Inspector Botelho filed this whistle blower complaint with the Office of Special Counsel, he has recently forwarded such similar complaints to his chain of command to include: Deputy Administrator, Dr. Chester Gipson, APHIS Administrator, Dr. Ron Dehaven, Ann Venneman, USDA Secretary of Agriculture, Agriculture Committee, Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush and President George Bush.  
Hopefully his concerns and complaints will be heard by all animal lovers worldwide for the health and welfare of the animals regulated by USDA, APHIS, Animal Care. Animal Care inspectors need to be supported to enforce the Animal Welfare Act. Repeat violators of the AWA need to be issued the appropriate legal action by Animal Care management.  
Inspector Botelho can be reached by e-mail at:  
Legal funds for animal care inspector Richard Botelho, Jr. are being accepted and can be sent to:  
Mahoney & Mahoney. LLP 
Attorney John Mahoney 
1700 Rockville Pike, Suite 400 
Rockville, MD 20852 
(301) 998-6181
Years later:

Will PETA Sue the USDA for Removing On-line Inspection Reports?

Here is the latest PETA fundraiser email I received today (2.8.17):

Dear K.M.,

Fact: In a secretive laboratory, a monkey dies screaming in agony after her cage is put in a high-temperature washing machine while she's still in it.

Fact: An improperly stunned pig shrieks as she's scalded to death in a slaughterhouse.

Fact: At a roadside zoo, a bear paces endlessly back and forth in a concrete pit, stopping only long enough to whimper and beg for a scrap of food.

Fact: These are the types of blatant cruelty that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)—responsible for enforcing federal animal-protection laws and regulations in our country—is now shielding from public view.

On Friday, with little warning, the USDA scrubbed its website of critical information that PETA relies on to expose abuse. The reason seems clear: The agency wants to guard itself and animal exploiters against our scrutiny.

As champions of animal rights, we cannot let the USDA hide what every citizen has a right to know. We're preparing a legal challenge right now. Please, make an emergency gift to PETA this very moment and help us stand strong and fight for all animals, large and small.

As numerous PETA eyewitness investigations have proved, we cannot trust the USDA to enforce laws and regulations that protect animals. Documents such as inspection reports and annual reports of facilities that exploit animals must be available to PETA and the public so that everyone can see if the agency is doing its job—and call it out when it's not.

The USDA says that the documents purged from its website can now only be accessed through Freedom of Information Act requests, which can take years to be approved and can result in partially or entirely blacked-out documents. That means many, many animals could suffer and die out of the public eye while caring people wait for information that can help stop their misery.

At this critical moment, our lawyers are working to push back against this outrageous denial of transparency—and we need our supporters to be staunchly in our camp.

Make an urgently needed tax-deductable gift to PETA today—animals' lives depend on it! 

Thank you for your support—we'll keep you updated as the situation develops. 

*********************************************  End**********************************************************************

Okay, first off, where was PETA during the WAO investigation when I brought up the subject of false USDA reports filed on-line?

Oh, yeah, there was no money in it for them so they turned their backs on hundreds of captive exotic animals.

Gotta love PETA tho -- capitalizing on this latest animal travesty to fill its coffers! Classic PETA.  All about the $$$.

I honestly do not understand why people are going gaga over this latest turn of events involving the USDA.  Their reports are horrible and are barely worth the paper they are printed on!  They are inaccurate, so they hold very little value in my opinion.  Plus, if you've been reading this blog from the  beginning, you know that the USDA refused to accept the word of a person reporting AWA crimes.  If the inspector didn't see it, then according to the USDA, it didn't happen.  So, according to their standards, if the inspector did not report AWA violations in its reports, well then you guessed violation ever occurred-- it just didn't happen.  What a joke.

The entire inspection process is flawed and should be revamped from top to bottom.  REAL inspectors, not swayed by politics, should conduct the inspections.  REAL and accurate reports should be filed for public viewing.  Then, and only then, will animal rescuers will know the truth about a particular shelter, sanctuary, or laboratory. 

So until that happens, the USDA probably shouldn't bother filling out their inaccurate reports and posting them on-line anyway -- they're just full of cr*p.

Just my humble opinion.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Public Information Request - the Brief


When I first read this brief, I thought, finally,  the OAG is taking criminal action against the board members from 2006-2009!  T-h-e-n a friend of mine broke my happy bubble saying the OAG probably held back the documents because they referenced possible receivership action taken by the OAG against the WAO (once the animals have been placed into new homes, of course).

Darn, bubble buster! (Just kidding my friend...)

Anyway, I believe she is correct.  Either way, once this case concludes, I will be able to obtain the withheld documents.

Additional Character Statements

Below are a few more character reference letters made on behalf of Ron and Carol Asvestas obtained from the Texas OAG:
LOR - Fraser

I wonder if Carol told Gloria the truth about Rex's death?  For those of you who do not know Rex, here is some information about the "Growing Up Lion" star:

Animal Planet’s “Growing Up Lion” – Was There a Happy End?

Editorial by Anonymous, 12/21/2008

Animal Planet recently released its five DVD gift, which includes “Growing Up Wildcats". One of the episode features lions at the Wild Animal Orphanage (WAO) in Texas.

The film critics make you believe that:

“Carol and Ron Asvestas own the Wild Animal Orphanage near San Antonio, Texas, and spent a year raising four lion cubs. Beautiful animals facing their share of joys and challenges, including being sick. But this pride survives.”

And another synopses claims:

“ "Growing Up Lion"

Experience a pivotal and emotional year with Carol and Ron Asvestas, owners of Wild Animal Orphanage near San Antonio, Texas, as they raise four lion cubs. There's Amy, a tiny newborn and three cubs - Rex, Sheba and Leo - babies quickly growing in size, strength and curiosity. Every day brings new joys, adventures and discoveries. The lion cubs also face their share of challenges - from serious illness to natural disasters. But with abundant, tender-loving care from their human family, the cubs embark on a remarkable journey toward the formation of lion cub pride.”

However, the touching story of Rex, Sheba and Leo portrayed in “Growing Up Lion” is just that—a very nice tug-at-your-heart story. Shortly after the film crew left San Antonio, the lion cubs were removed from their large natural enclosure and returned to the property where they were raised. They were placed in a much smaller enclosure where Rex was killed by his cage mates (as documented by the USDA/APHIS on 10-10-06). Jambo, the father of Amy, died under unusual circumstances at the same facility in 2007. Sheba and Leo can be seen on tour at the original site where they were raised along with Sebastian—but the cage they live in now is a far cry from the spacious enclosure shown on “Growing Up Lion.” Amy’s current health status is currently unknown.

The WAO is under investigation by the USDA/APHIS and the Texas Office of the Attorney General for alleged violations of the Animal Welfare Act and misappropriation of funds for the last 2 ½ years.

Unfortunately, the “Growing Up Lions” remarkable journey ended when the film crew left the property.
USDA Report on Death of Rex - 112806

I wonder if Carol told Gloria that Leo died too?

Now, let's take a look at the second character statement submitted on behalf of Ron and Carol to the Texas Attorney General's Office:
LOR - Renee

So, Renee thinks she is an active board member of the Animal Shelter Assistance Program (ASAP) and Carol is just the volunteer working hard for this non-profit organization, huh??  Who is the woman kidding?  ASAP's corporate address, website, telephone number, and e-mail address belongs to Carol Asvestas only!  I'm willing to bet the board is in name only once again, for you see, Carol's past habits never die...

Domain ID:D157839146-LROR

Created On:17-Dec-2009 22:25:14 UTC
Last Updated On:05-Oct-2010 16:05:21 UTC
Expiration Date:17-Dec-2011 22:25:14 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Wild West Domains, Inc. (R120-LROR)
Registrant ID:CR63864645
Registrant Name:Carol Asvestas
Registrant Organization:Animals ASAP
Registrant Street1:9488 Leslie Rd.
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:San Antonio
Registrant State/Province:Texas
Registrant Postal Code:78254
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.8882752587
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:
Yellow Book on-line:

The Animal Shelter Assistance Program .
9488 Leslie Rd
San Antonio,TX78254-9620 (map)
(210) 688-3343 (Carol Asvestas' personal cell phone)
Oh, oh, let me guess, Carol and Renee are bar buddies?  Am I right??

LOR - Web Person

Oh, good grief, she had the person who created her web site write a letter too?  This just screams of desperation.

More Jungle Friends News!

I just received Jungle Friends e-newsletter updates on the former WAO capuchins!  Below is the lastest news on the monks:

Jungle Friends’ latest and youngest arrivals have the sanctuary staff scurrying! On Oct 1, three baby monkeys arrived with a group of brown capuchins rescued from a bankrupt roadside zoo. [That would be the WAO -- and yes, many people consider the WAO as a failed roadside zoo].

We knew the group included a nursing mother with an infant, but they were part of a family group occupying a single habitat, so it sounded like a simple rescue. Then things got complicated!

First, the monkeys had to be “packed up” for the drive to Jungle Friends. The local animal team handling this had trouble capturing the capuchins, and finally resorted to using anesthesia.

When the monkeys arrived after their cross-country trip, we were horrified to learn that when mama monkey woke from the anesthesia, she would have nothing to do with her baby.

The simple rescue became a crisis intervention as staff rushed to care for the dehydrated infant. At the same time, we learned that two other juvenile monkeys also needed to go into the “nursery.” Monkers and Zumie had been human reared and attempts to reunite them with the group at the zoo had not gone well. Nine-month-old Zumie ended up with a wounded foot requiring stitches. Upon arrival at Jungle Friends, it was looking pretty bad.
In minutes, it seemed, the rescue changed from transferring a single, pre-socialized group into an intensive schedule of bottle feeding and medical care!
Fortunately, these kids are bouncing back. The baby is a resilient little guy! With some nourishment and loving care, he soon began to thrive. Zumie responded well to her antibiotic therapy and is healing nicely now.

We situated the babies next to the adult group, hoping that mama Elizabeth would reclaim her baby, allowing him to be reared by his natural mother. No such luck. Elizabeth has shown no interest in the baby – but someone else has.

Little Monkers, the oldest of the youngsters, has appointed herself as his new little mom – carrying him, grooming and playing with him. It is wonderful to see the loving bond grow between these two young monkeys. Watch the video now!
So, with Jungle Friends staff to provide the bottles and baby food (twelve times a day!!) and Monkers to supply the monkey nurturing, baby monk is on his way to a healthy, happy childhood.

PLEASE, don’t forget to VOTE EVERY DAY. You can vote online AND by texting! The monkeys are counting on you! 

Kari Bagnall, Executive Director
P.S. Check our website for Expansion Project updates.