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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

WAO Primates Now Live in Newcastle Oklahoma!

Today I received a great email from In Mindy's Memory giving me an update on the two Barbary Macaques (mother & son who lived at Leslie Road property) and four long-tailed macaques that lived at Talley Road property:

Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010

Subject: Re: WAO Barbary Macaques

We took in Cinnamon and her son, Jethro. They have adjusted fairly well, Jethro is not consistent in his kindness to his Mom-she came with huge scars and one half healed wound to her back. These have since healed (one was a scar and healed already)-the other is healed and just a scar remains. We were informed Jethro was the culprit but was hard to believe he would attack his Mother so viciously. Saw for ourselves today he can and did. Not a bad bite but drew blood. He is not predictable with her. I am going to try and separate them and allow Jethro to co habitat with an unrelated female we have named Sunshine.Cinnamon will be divided by wire so she can still see them but be safe from any more wounds. We have pictures somewhere in our computer files. I will mention to staff to get them to you. Video is difficult as the two go to the extreme back of their habitat when a camera of any sort is brought out.

We have also four stump tail macaques from WAO. Madonna, Pike, Solo and Juvvy. They are doing magnificently together.They really appreciate the fresh fruits and Veggies they receive daily and of course monkey chow and peanut browse. We have some video of them too I believe.

Thank you for asking about the primates. Thank you for your hard work for their welfare too. I can relate to that.....

I was so happy to hear the primates are doing well in their new home and I look forward to seeing the pictures and videos.  As soon as they come in, I'll post them to this page. 

I am so glad to learn the primates are doing well at Mindy's Memory and I look forward to seeing the pictures and videos.  As soon as they come in, I will post them to this blog.  Here is my response back:

Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010
Subject: Re: WAO Barbary Macaques
You are right, it is son Jethro (WAO for years switched his name with his father, Teaspoon). I wasn't sure which name you would be given, so I took a stab in the dark -- glad to hear he's using his given name once again! So often WAO would mix up animal names or their "stories," that it became confusing to keep up with the animals without a scorecard!

In any case, Jethro did not start attacking his mother until after the death of his father. The father truly ruled the "roost" so to speak and I think he kept junior in line. In any case, I guess it's time to separate Jethro from his mother since he is harming her again. I noticed Jethro acted violently on a few occasions in April 2010, to where I thought he was going to bring down his entire enclosure. I pray he and Sunshine (love her name) get along well. Plus mom will still be in viewing distance of her offspring, so she can keep a safe eye on him!

That's right, I had heard you took in a small group of long-tailed macaques. I didn't know the Talley Road long-tailed macaques very well since they lived at the Talley Road property. The last time I saw them was in April 2010.

I imagine all the primates are enjoying the abundant fresh fruits and veggies--especially since I learned fresh produce was in short supply for their last few months at the WAO. While I am saddened to see the WAO animals leave San Antonio, I am most grateful that many of the animals, like the ones you took in, have wonderful new homes. Thank you so much for providing the macaques with a forever home.

I really appreciate you asking your staff to search and send pictures of Barbary Macaques and video of the Long-Tailed Macaques to me. Seeing and knowing the animals are in good hands makes this entire investigative affair worthwhile.

Again, thank you for taking in the monks and if you should come across any additional videos or pictures sometime in the future, please keep me in mind, for seeing the animals having a great time in their new home truly makes my day!

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