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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Wonderful Surpise From Jungle Friends!

Today I received a wonderful surprise via email!  Jungle Friends, Kari Bagnall, sent me YouTube links of the former WAO capuchins playing.  Zoomy (the baby monk) is seen playing with her 'adopted' mom.
There's just one thing I don't understand...why does Jungle Friends continually describe where the animals came from as a "roadside zoo?"  WAO was not a roadside zoo, rather it was an exotic wild animal sanctuary.  Why do other sanctuaries have such trouble accurately describing where the animals came from, unless of course there is some reason why the truth must remain hidden from the public?
Monkers is a juvenile brown capuchin who was rescued from a bankrupt roadside zoo, along with her younger sister Zumie, and a nursing mother and infant. Unfortunately, the monkeys were anesthetized to facilitate their capture, so they could be transported to Jungle Friends. When mama monkey woke from the anesthesia, she rejected her baby, who is only a few months old.

Jungle Friends staff and volunteers stepped in to bottle feed the baby and care for his physical needs…. and little Monkers stepped up to provide monkey nurturing. We are not sure if the baby is actually Monkers genetic brother, but she has appointed herself as his new little mom – carrying him, grooming and playing with him. It is wonderful to see the loving bond grow between these two young monkeys.

Doesn't Zoomy look great?!  She is growing up so fast!

Zumie explores the great outdoors

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