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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Maverick is Alive

Maverick is alive!  I just received word today from the lady who is helping place the WAO's big cats.  She made it clear from the beginning she was not helping place the monkeys, just the big cats.  In any case, the last she heard, Maverick was a live and on a new medication.  Apparently, the new medication is working for Maverick.  He is still sad from the loss of his sister, but the workers are intent on helping him recover.

Royal, however, was euthanized.

I asked the lady if she could share with me the list of where the animals were to be placed.  She told me she was unwilling to do so at this time because of privacy issues.  She did not want to give out the placement list because several past owners were upset they could not see or take back their former pets. 

I told her that I could obtain the list from the USDA under FOIA as this information was available to the public.  She laughed and told me she knew how long that would take, to which I responded that I was getting the information a lot faster since I've been providing the USDA information pertaining to this case.  I also have no doubt the list is also being sent to the OAG so I could always get a copy from them as well.

I was then told the earliest she could share the list would be in about three months and that there would be no way she could guarantee this would be a complete list of where all the animals went as she was only making placement recommendations to the USDA.  She said she was able to talk the USDA out of placing some of the WAO animals in undesirable homes (to which I am grateful), but ultimately it was their decision as to where the animals went.

Wow, now this is confusing.  First it was WAO who had the final word.  Then it was IFAW. And now its the USDA.  Is anybody in charge of the animal placement?

So ultimately, I will have to wait.  Several Christmas presents to the animals will have to arrive next year, but at least they will have a home to go to after all.  The lady told me that less than nine animals required placement (ex:  Lance & Leyla, Dobbins, and Maverick).  I'm worried about Lulu as I have not heard she has been placed yet.

Apparently four cougars found a new home together and two remaining cougars went to a different sanctuary.  At least they will all go with at least one cage mate, and not sent singularly to various locations.

Like most people, the lady commented that the Asvestas' should be in jail for what they have done to the animals, to which I responded that the OAG was sent enough information to jail them but for what ever reason chose not to. 

We had to cut our conversation short as she said wanted to say goodbye to some visiting veterinarian (students) and she encouraged me to call her back in the future to learn more about the animals.

I think I will email her to see if Lulu found a home yet.  I miss her and all the other animals!  And thank God Maverick is alive!! 

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