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Saturday, October 16, 2010

13 WAO Tigers Moved to Indiana

In an effort to share with you the success stories of all the WAO animals in their new homes, I've been scowering the Internet, looking for pictures of videos of the animals and their new homes.

When I cannot find any pictures, I am forced to contact the organization directly via email.  Sadly, now that my SACurrent comment and notice of my blog is being circulated around the animal community, I have a feeling that I will have a difficult time receiving success story information along with pictures/videos.  I hope I am wrong.

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 2:53 PM

Subject: WAO Tigers

Dear Joe Taft and Jean Herrberg:

I understand you recently accepted 13 tigers from the Wild Animal Orphanage.  As the WAO's former board member and long-time volunteer, I am hoping you would be most kind to share photographs of the tigers in their new homes.

The last 4 years investigation into the WAO was arduous, so it would mean a lot to me to "see" the tigers in their wonderful new enclosures.

Thank you very much in advance,

The response:
From: "Exotic Feline Rescue Center"
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: WAO Tigers

Go to our web site then to our photo link for Oct 2nd. Two of the new cages are pictured there. Sorry the photographer has not taken any of them in there yet but as soon as we get photos they will be on our website. They made the trip well and are all adjusting nicely

So, here are the photos Joe referenced in the email above:


I followed-up my first email with this one:

To: "Exotic Feline Rescue Center"

Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: WAO Tigers

Greetings Joe:

I just reviewed the photo link suggested in the previous email -- thank you

for sharing! I look forward to seeing the tigers in their new homes soon!

By chance did you take in:



Sahib (?)
Sultan (?)

and Noelle (?) the cougar? I'm trying to learn where all the animals went so I can pass on all the success stories to those who worked tirelessly on the WAO case and to encourage donations towards the animals' care since many places, like your facility, did not receive any funding for their care.

Many thanks in advance -
As of today, nada, nada, nada.  No response at all to my last e-mail.  So I sent the same e-mail again today.  What do you bet I'll receive no response to my inquiry once again?  I believe this "sanctuary" falls under "no transparency."

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