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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Word Is Out!

Well, it appears the director of Wildcat Sanctuary has been talking about me with other sanctuary directors!

I did not contact one particular sanctuary, Safe Haven Rescue Zoo, because after seeing the video of the Lulu, Kovo, and IFAW's new enclosures, I felt disheartened.  Their new homes look so stark and barren in comparison to the other sanctuaries' enclosures.  The former WAO animals deserve homes with lots of enrichment items to enjoy and large built structures to climb, so I thought I would give the sanctuary more time to raise funds so they could purchase "toys" for the animals.

What I did not expect was Safe Haven contacting ME via email:

From: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:56 PM
Subject: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

Dear Brunner,

I understand you would like more information about what we do here at Safe Haven. Below you will find the most recent letter sent out to our donors. You can also find more information about us at our website above and our facebook page.
She addressed me as "Brunner?"  Really?   I had no idea we were on a last name only basis!  My response:

To: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

Actually, what I was looking for were "success" photographs of the WAO animals living in their new homes. It is my understanding Safe Haven took in Lulu, Kovu, and IFAW. If you have any photographs showing the tiger and lions enjoying their new home, I would love to see them. Thank you -


Kristina Brunner
Now I wait for a response.  In the meantime, I still have not received a response to my 2nd request for photographs from Wildcat Haven.  The director is flat out ignoring my requests for photos of the caracal and serval.  I am very disappointment because Carrie and Sebastian were very special cats to me and I'd hope they went to a top-notched facility.  I guess now I will never know how they are adjusting to their new climate.  Again, I say -- where is the transparency?  I pray this place is NOT like the WAO.  But since it is not transparent, how will I ever know for sure?

Next day:  I got a response! Below is the email I received from the sanctuary with pictures attached!  We are no longer on a last name basis! 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
To: Kristina Brunner
Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 1:49:20 PM
Subject: RE: Safe Haven Rescue Zoo

Kristina Brunner,

Sorry about that, your request got lost in translation. Attached are some photos of the lions and lulu. Also there is a video posted on youtube that shows the move and their reactions to their new enclosures also you can visit us at our facebook page where other videos, news and pictures are posted!/pages/Safe-Haven-Rescue-Zoo/110108762354492 . Thank you for your interest.

Quincy Sweeney

IFAW collecting pumpkins
Lulu - posing pretty
IFAW - I'm ready! Let me out!
Lulu - what's in box #2?
Lulu - hurry and take the picture, will ya?
 Kovu - so handsome

IFAW & Kovu - brotherly love

While I wish the big cats had more enrichment items in their enclosures, I realize this may have to come later as Safe Haven is currently raising funds to care for the former WAO animals.  I am grateful the cats have a safe home and food in their bellies.  They also appear to have a lot of running space, so I hope the lions take the opportunity to run and play with one another.  Perhaps some day Lulu will have a special friend to keep her company in her new enclosure.  In the meantime, it looks like everyone is enjoying their fall pumpkins.  I sure miss Lulu, as I spent a lot of time with her each week.  She loved to play hide and seek with me and she especially loved to play with the water hose.  She was such a curious tiger, always trying to put her paws onto things that did not belong to her -- she was such a character!

Even though I spent very little time with IFAW and Kovu (they lived at Talley Road), I am so glad they have a lot more open space than they did at their fomer home in San Antonio.  Their former cage was so tiny for such two large lions.  I'm just concerned they do not have enough enrichment items to play with on a daily basis.

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