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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Predictable Actions!


One of the events I predicted in May 2010, was Mr. Sherwood would leave the WAO shortly after working with the Cryers (see May 19, 2010 blog posting).  Well, sure enough, ten days after I made this prediction, Mr. Sherwood discontinued his association with the WAO.

I guess James Anthony was so upset by the news that Mr. Sherwood left, he got the month and year completely wrong in his email to Sherwood! The actual meeting took place in May 2010!  Mr. Anthony's letter was just dripping with venom!  Yikes!

As I predicted earlier in May 2010, the Cryers intended to assume complete control of the WAO all along-- it came as no surprise to me when I read the email above that the Cryers had complete control over the WAO by the end of May -- their actions were so predictable!  One must ask, "why did the OAG allow this to take place in the first place?"  Where was the WAO "board" (wink wink)?  Did any of the so-called  "board members" speak with Mr. Sherwood regarding his reasons for leaving?  Or did the "board" accept Sherwood's resignation without question? 

On a lighter note, Mr. Sherwood lasted about 8 more days than I anticipated!

Now let's look at one of the reports Mr. Sherwood wrote to the WAO's board of directors prior to his departure, point by point:

Sherwood Ltr to WAO Board - 050910

First Point (Income):  Sherwood has absolutely no idea what he is talking about when it comes to the WAO's income.  The primary income was derived from the WAO's hard copy newsletters sent out at least every three months.  The WAO also made money from tours and the gift shop, but tours and knick-knack sales were never the main source of income.  Since Ron and Carol produced very few newsletters prior to their departure in 2009, the WAO's income dropped significantly from the previous year (2008).  Since the WAO was already in the red when Nicole Garcia took  over the reins, it was next to impossible to produce and mail-out the huge quantity of newsletters needed to pay off present and overdue bills.  Unless the WAO received income from foundations, corporations, or a very large donation, there was little hope that the WAO would survive 2010.

Second Point (revenue stream):  Notice how Sherwood was unable to identify the revenue stream.  Sadly, even if the WAO reduced or re-negotiated its present debt, the savings would never off-set the rising cost of animal feed, care, and supplies.  If Sherwood actually reviewed the books, he would have known this fact.

Third Point (debt):  I applaud Sherwood's attempts to reschedule the WAO's debt with its creditors.  Sadly, unless money is raised (think fundraising), his efforts would not matter -- not one single bit. 

Fourth Point (new management):  Yeah, right, what new 'experienced' management team? Not one single person there has any non-profit management experience, let alone actual hands-on successful "management" experience!

Fifth Point (plan of stability):  A plan of stability is "being written?"  And just whom did he expect to read this so-called plan?  Let alone, follow this plan?  The Board?  The employees?  Too funny!

Sixth Point (Talley Road fences):  What a joke -- it was never finished and approved by the USDA!  So much for the May 2010 deadline date.

Seventh Point (USDA):  I don't know what report Sherwood was looking at, but the WAO had approximately 10 write-ups according to the May 7, 2010 report!


Did Sherwood even read the USDA report?  Did he purposely lie about the USDA's findings to the WAO Board of Directors and others?

Eighth Point:  I have no disagreement with this paragraph.

Ninth Point (fundraising):  Okay, what a joke!  I cannot believe anyone, with a straight face would report to a real Board of Directors that the WAO expected to make $50,000 from a Floore's Country Store concert!  What did the WAO make?  $500 at the end of the concert?  If that?

Then there's the BBQ plate fundraiser that Mike Dereadt and Kelsey Dyer wanted to "host."  Again, with a straight face, Sherwood reported that the WAO directors expected to make another $25k??  Oh my goodness.  Talk about delusional.  I have never heard of a non-profit organization make $25k from a BBQ plate dinner hosted by inexperienced personnel!

Then there's the "boiler room" specialist who has grand dreams of bring in $100k to the WAO over a three-month period!  Are you kidding me?  Is anyone grounded in reality at the WAO anymore?  Moving on...

Tenth Point (Effects of Mismanagement Reduced):  Wow, the "unauthorized" purchase of the copier was authorized by one of the board directors!  Nicole Garcia did not have the authority to purchase the printer.  I could go on and on about why the printer was needed to keep the WAO's fundraising efforts moving, but I believe I have already covered this subject in past postings.  Suffice to say, these are not business people running the office.  Just a bunch of dreamers...

Eleventh Point (Personnel Cost):  Well, duhh, if you fire the office staff, personnel costs are going to be reduced.  What else was reduced?  Oh yeah, donations!!!  You need knowledgeable office staff to processing any incoming donations needed to feed the animals and pay the workers.  Again, duhh...

Twelfth Point  (mass mailing costs):  Well, there you go.  No newsletters, no donations.  So where the heck was this "professional and trained experienced volunteer staff" that was going to raise all this money for the WAO?  Must have been one heck of dream Sherwood had the night before he wrote this letter to WAO's board of directors!

Thirteenth Point (New HR directions):  Oh, what a joke!  Enough said.

Fourteenth Point:  (Lean Office Management):  Well, well, we get to the heart of the matter -- Sherwood, a paid training consultant, is pushing his paid "management training gig" on the WAO -- and only for $17,500!  Why in the world would donated money be spent on sending the Cryers and WAO staff to this training course, when this course would clearly be beyond their mental comprehension?  They wouldn't have a clue as to what was going on in the class!  Shouldn't the money be used to purchase animal feed or vet care instead?  So much for the Cryers claim that the WAO would focus more on animal care, and spend less money on staff!

Sherwood should have taken into account the WAO's public reputation (Cryers trashed Garcia in the media plus the lawsuits filed against the WAO); slumping economy; WAO's inexperienced office/fundraising staff; and the actual cost of maintaining the animals.  He's an idealist -- not a realist.  He may have had good intentions from the start, but like most idealists, he was not prepared for the WAO's reality.  Falling short of making his "plan" a reality, Sherwood decided to quit and move on.  Too bad he didn't take the Cryers with him!

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