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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Must Remain Vigilant

An interesting event occurred last night.  Between 9:00pm and 9:15pm I went outside to move my truck from the street to my garage.  As I was getting into my truck, a pair of vehicle lights popped on and I heard someone start the vehicle's motor.  I had a strange feeling as I started my truck's engine that something was wrong.  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the truck coming down the street pretty fast.  I immediately put my truck into gear and sped up my driveway and into my garage, hitting the garage door opener button as soon as my truck cleared the final sensor.  I could still hear the truck coming down the street fast as the garage door was slowing going down.  I was able to see the truck swerve up onto my driveway, stopping about half up before stopping.  The large truck or SUV just sat there while my garage door slowly closed (those few seconds felt live an eternity).  When my garage door finally hit the ground, I heard the truck sped back down my driveway and took off at a high rate of speed back towards the direction it came from.

I ran from my garage to my office window, as it faces the street, and I was unable to see the vehicle speeding away.  I called a friend of mine to let her know what happened, just in case someone tried to come back and pay me a visit during the night. 

We discussed who might be responsible for this act.  I leaned towards the Asvestas' as the website was still non-functional plus they now know that the court documents pertaining to their soon-to-be foreclosure court papers were made public.  And Carol Asvestas has been known to stake out people's houses before (Ron Asvestas mistress), so it's not such a stretch that she would do this again.

Another possibility is that the Cryers wanted to harass or intimidate me (as Michelle Cryer absolutely hates my guts or so I've been told).

Regardless of whomever did this dastardly deed, they are gutless cowards, waiting in the cloak of darkness, to pounce upon me. 

I am very grateful God was watching over me and protected me from those evil people who visited my house in a most cowardly way.  I pray those people get some really good physiological help as they truly require medical intervention.

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