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Saturday, October 2, 2010

WAO Bears Moved to Colorado

Today I called Pat Craig from the Wild Animal Sanctuary.  Pat took in all 22 Talley Road WAO bears and gave them a terrific new home.  Boris, Natasha, and Tiny will move to the Wild Animal Sanctuary next week.

I was told it took 15 hours to load 22 bears into the transporters!  But it was worth the trip as you can see in the video below:

Pat shared with me that it took awhile for a few bears to switch from dog food to natural fruits and vegetables.  For years the bears primarily ate dog food as produce was given out as "treats."  It took several days to wean the bears off the dog food onto healthy delicious produce.  I asked if the bears would be okay during the winter as they probably never saw snow before and therefore unable to cope with the change in their environment. Pat assured me the bears hibernate in their dens which stay about 65 degrees throughout the winter. I mentioned the bears probably needed to put on additional weight before that happened.  Pat said the WAO bears were eating like crazy! So I have no doubt they will be ready for the upcoming winter snow.

The large group of bears enjoy a 25-acre natural habitat, complete with in-ground dens and 5 pools!  What a change from their old home at Talley Road as seen below:

Three WAO bears arrived in poor condition:  1 bear with arthritis, 1 bear with glaucoma and cataracts, and 1 bear with receding gums (Yogi).  Yogi was placed on antibiotics as his gums were infected.  Fortunately, the WAS has a veterinarian that specializes in exotic care, so the bears are in good hands now.  The bear that can barely see has a smaller adjacent area since he has trouble getting around, but from what I understand he is doing well.

Boris will have his own enclosure--approximately 5-acres and a pool!  Boris is going to love roaming around his new home.  His habitat will be located next to the 22 WAO bears, so he will be around bears familiar to him, as he used to live with them at Talley Road.  Natasha and Tiny will also receive a large enclosure nearby.

Next week, Pat will be picking up 5 tigers, 2 lions, 1 cougar, and 3 bears and transporting them to various sanctuaries (cougar goes to New Mexico; 2 tigers going to Oregon, 3 tigers going to Wisconsin, and 2 lions going to Nevada).  I just pray they have great homes waiting for them as well.

It was worth all the heartache for the last 4.5 years, seeing the bears living in such a wonderful new home.  I was told additional photos of Boris, Natasha, and Tiny would be forthcoming soon!

This happy ending is a true miracle from God.  Thank you Lord for blessing and protecting the WAO bears.  I pray the will live long and happy lives at the Wild Animal Sanctuary. 

If you want to help the animals at the WAS, please make a charitable contribution towards their care.  The website is  Thank you!

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