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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

September 28 2009 Board Meeting Transcript

As promised, here is the board meeting transcript, sent to me and posted, in its entirety.  It's long, but very telling.  Keep in mind, when the Asvestas' stormed out of the room towards the end, they believed they had quit the organization. 

Now that you have read the lengthy transcript what do you think?  Notice how the board bent over backwards trying not to "fire" Ron and Carol even after they quit? Most legitimate boards would have immediately taken a vote on accepting the resignation of Ron and Carol Asvestas!  Instead, they put them on "administrative leave!"  What were they thinking?  Did they put them on administrative leave (probably paid leave) because of their relationship with the Asvestas or because their antics were on display for the public to see? 

Inquiring minds want to know...

SAPD Incident Report - 021909

If you haven't figured it out yet, Cassidy Asvestas is Carol Asvestas.  Let's just add this name to her "other" alias!

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